J.N. Ssekazinga

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) isn’t an easy condition to live with. Inflamed joints make it hard to function normally and can be a huge setback to daily life. Research, however, has shown that there are some things you can do to make life a little easier. And of these, the one that’s easiest to control is your diet. Avoiding foods that can worsen the inflammation or aggravate the pain can go a long way in improving your symptoms.

Avoiding These Foods Can Ease Your Condition

So here’s a rogue’s gallery of the worst offenders in the pantry.

Sugary Food

According to the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, people with RA should try and keep their dietary intake of sugar moderate. Which means things like desserts need to be kept to a minimum, especially if they come out of a packet. Fruit and light homemade desserts once in a way should be fine, so don’t fret!1 Here are foods that pack in a lot of sugar – some may surprise you!

  • Candy And Sweet Spreads: One survey by the National Health Services, UK, found that a lot of people that side of the pond eat a lot of candy. If this rings true for you too, it means you’re eating more sugar than you should for someone with RA. For instance, a 100 gm bar of chocolate contains on average about 62.6 gm of sugar. Your favorite chocolate spread packs in around 57 gm of sugar in a 100 gm serving. Even fruit pastilles aren’t good, with nearly 60 gm of sugar per 100 gm serving, never mind if the word “fruit” makes it seem deceptively healthy.2
  • Sodas: A 12 ounce serving of cola has around 10 teaspoons of sugar in it, and orange soda which is even sweeter has about 11 spoons worth of sugar in it. Even sports drinks have about 5 spoons of sugar in a 12 ounce serve – way more than is good for any of us. Especially if there’s RA involved.3
  • Packaged Fruit Juice: Sweetened fruit juice has nearly 10 gm of sugar in a 100 ml serving, and you’re probably getting in twice that in a standard 200 ml serve.4
  • Cordials And Squashes: They might be made from fruit or have fruit flavoring in them but these drinks have about 24.6 gm of sugar in every 100ml.5
  • Ketchups And Condiments: If you thought only sweets had sugar in them, think again! Salad dressings with a cream base, savory sauces, and condiments like ketchup have sugar in them too. Before you drown your food in sauce, remember, a stir-in sweet and sour sauce has about 20 gm of sugar per 100 gm, ketchup has 27.5 gm in 100 gm, and salad cream has around 16.7 gm per 100 gm portion.6

Saturated And Trans Fats

For those with RA, a diet that’s low in cholesterol and saturated fats or trans fats in particular, and low in fat in general, is highly recommended. Which means you should consider cutting down on your red meat intake, skipping junk food or fast food, and opting for healthier alternatives like seafood or lean protein or vegan sources like tofu or lentils. When you cut these kinds of food out and eat more on the lines of a Mediterranean diet – relying on polyphenol-rich olive oil as a base for your cooking instead of butter, or more seafood and less of those fatty meats – you are likely to also experience a lowering of inflammation in the body. And that’s good news for your condition. One study that made some test subjects with RA switch to the Mediterranean diet, low in cholesterol, found that vitality improved and inflammatory activity in the body reduced. They experienced an overall improvement in physical function as well compared to those who continued with a regular diet.7



Alcohol is high in sugar content and a regular drink every evening can add to the sugar you consume.8 Alcohol consumption can also be a problem if you’re taking medications that might interact with it. For instance, you could develop liver problems from having alcohol alongside methotrexate (which already puts you at increased risk of liver damage).9

Processed Food

Processed foods are rich in salt, sugar, and fat and spell disaster for inflammatory conditions like RA. In fact, one survey of a thousand RA patients found that these were among the top ingredients that caused a worsening of symptoms. Avoid eating anything out of a packet, buy fresh produce, and cook up your own snacks at home instead. Things should start looking up in a couple of weeks.10

Dairy (Milk As Well As Milk Products)

Dairy (milk as well as milk products and cheeses) doesn’t agree with everyone. According to some researchers, the protein in the dairy worsens RA. So if you’ve switched to low fat or skim milk in the hope that the reduced fat content will help your cause, it may not be enough. Whole milk and skim milk are equally bad. The inflammation is triggered by the casein found in whey protein.11

Foods You Are Allergic To

You may sometimes be allergic to some foods and may not know it. Because RA is an autoimmune disease, it can be aggravated by constant exposure to foods you are allergic to. That’s why you should test each food using diet elimination therapy to determine which ones cause food hypersensitivities. You’ll need to avoid eating one suspected food at a time for a few months (a minimum of one month) and then reintroduce it to see if it causes any reaction. Gluten, nightshades like tomato, and citrus are common allergy-causing foods often named by patients.12

As one group of researchers found, eliminating these foods and modifying the diet helped bring improvement in symptoms of RA, but when foods were reintroduced, the pain, swelling, and stiffness came back. So eliminating these foods can offer temporary respite, but if you can’t quit eating them altogether you will need to be prepared for symptoms to reappear when you indulge in any of them next

Monday, 31 October 2016 07:16

Remove Skin Tags Naturally

Skin tags are a type of benign skin growth that look like a tiny flap of skin.  You can opt for a number of natural skin tag removal methods. Just be mindful of the location of your skin tag and if it is near your eyes, it is best to have a professional remove it. If it is elsewhere on the body, there is no harm in using natural ways for skin tag removal at home.

1. Ginger

Rub slices of raw ginger on the affected area for about 2 weeks and the skin tag is supposed to fall off eventually.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil can be used both internally and externally. It can be used as an external ointment by mixing it with a little baking soda to make a paste. You can also add some citrus oil to the paste as it will be very stinky. Apply this paste on the affected area and use a band aid to cover it. Repeat this for 2 – 4 weeks or until the skin tag disappears.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains citric acid which helps decompose the cells in the skin tags. Dab some lemon juice onto a cotton ball and apply it directly on the skin tag. Leave it on the affected area till it dries off. You will notice some changes in the skin tags after applying lemon juice for few days. In due course of time, the skin tag will dry out and vanish. Just have patience and apply this remedy daily.

4. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil contains thymol, arvacrol and p-cymene – three types of phenolic terpenoids components – and these have powerful antibacterial properties. They also contain antimelanomic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and antiseptic properties. Create a mixture of four to six drops of coconut oil and two to three drops of oregano oil and apply this directly to your skin tag three times a day. This should dry out the skin tag so that it falls off on its own. Make sure to always use a carrier oil to dilute the oregano oil or else you risk redness and irritation. This oil also must never be used near your eyes.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in removing skin tags. Apply a small dab of vinegar on cotton ball or a q-tip and apply it on the skin tag. After you apply vinegar, it may cause a stinging sensation for a few minutes. Use it for two to four weeks for the skin tags to vanish.

6. Tea Tree Oil

In order to use this remedy, clean the skin tag and take a cotton ball soaked in water. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to the soaked cotton ball. Now apply it directly to the skin tag in circular motions. Repeat this 1-2 times daily for a week or 10 days until the lesion vanishes.

7. Fenugreek Seeds

The properties of fenugreek seeds help in skin tag removal. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and drink this water in the morning before having breakfast. You can even chew the soaked fenugreek seeds.

8. Fig Stem Juice

Fig stem juice is widely used for skin issues because it helps to balance the alkaline-acid balance. To create this juice, grab some fresh fig stems and blend them to extract the juice. You can apply this juice to the skin tag up to four times a day.

9. Vitamin E

You need to rub the vitamin E oil on to the lesion two times a day. This will help you remove the skin tags in 1 – 2 weeks. Combine vitamin E oil with garlic and let it rest overnight for better results.

Many women have gone on to say that the first trimester of pregnancy is a lot more physically and emotionally taxing than the delivery itself! It is true in many cases as some women experience disastrous symptoms of nausea, fatigue and soreness. If this is your first time as an expecting-mommy-to-be, here are 6 tips to help you survive your first trimester with decreased levels of discomfort.

  • Create your very own barf kit. You will need at least 10 plastic bags rolled up into tiny balls and held together with an elastic band, wet wipes, and ginger-mints. There is no definite time or stimulus that can trigger nausea so it’s best to be prepared at all times.
  • Invest in a supply of coconut oil. Use the oil when your nipples are sore, on itchy stretchmarks and for overall skin hydration. Coconut water contains electrolytes, potassium and even prevents dehydration. So yes, swear by coconuts!
  • Please, buy yourself new bras. Your breasts are going to feel like they grew over night and you won’t see it coming. The soreness from the excess blood flow to the breasts will make it difficult to wear your usual underwire or lacey bras. Go to stores that are dedicated to women’s undergarments and take the advice of a consultant to help you pick comfortable bras that will continue to fit even with the changes in your breasts. (Psst, sports bras are awesome.)
  • Sign up for an acupuncture session, a prenatal massage or even Tai Chi classes and take the break you truly deserve. Acupuncture has known to help women battle symptoms of pregnancy. Prenatal massages will help you relax those worrying nerves. Enroll yourself into Tai Chi or Yoga classes as these forms of exercise are so beneficial to pregnant women. Consult your healthcare provider before booking your slots.
  • You might experience the inevitable sleepless nights but don’t let this symptom get the better of you. Buy pillows for your different sleeping positions or just invest in one of those cuddle-worthy maternity body pillows.
  • It’s true, water can get boring, but you will be dehydrated and will need to flush out toxins from your body constantly. It will help if you can find creative ways to keep yourself hydrated, such as, stocking up on fruits and nuts to make smoothies and shakes. Did we mention coconut water?

You will probably go through the awkward phase when most people will just think you’re fat and have no idea that you’re pregnant. It definitely doesn’t help if symptoms kick in when you’re socializing or just up and about. Remain calm and focus on the bigger picture. Some of the symptoms of the first trimester may persist through the course of your pregnancy, but don’t worry. You are not alone and you can get through this like a boss.

What do you know about your cervix? If you are trying to conceive, you should have a basic knowledge at the very least. But, if you are like most women, you probably know little about your cervix. It is time to get to know your cervix and increase your chances of conceiving.

Why Should You Learn About Your Cervix?

  • To understand when and why things happen.
  • To know when to time sex for conception.
  • To increase chances of conceiving from 0% to 30%.

What Is The Cervix?

The cervix is a cylinder of tissue that acts as a gateway to the uterus. It is a tiny tunnel that connects the vagina and the uterus.

It keeps sperm out or lets them in, depending on where you are in your cycle. You can actually feel the cervix if you insert two fingers into your vagina.

Doing so is a great way to get to know more about the way it changes throughout your cycle.

How Does The Cervix Help You Get Pregnant?

Since the cervix’s job is to let sperm in or keep them out, it plays a very important role in helping you conceive.

The cervix does not act alone, though. The changes in your body are actually triggered by surging hormones. These hormones trigger ovulation, and cervical changes are just one part of the process.

6 Stages Of Cervix And Cervical Mucus Changes

To understand what happens to the cervix during ovulation, you must first understand its beginning, or non-fertile, state.

In the beginning and end of your cycle, outside of ovulation, your cervix sits lower in the vagina and it feels hard like the tip of your nose. It will also feel dry and closed. No sperm or bacterium can enter at this point.

Changes begin when ovulation starts creeping in. When you are at your most fertile, the state of your cervix will be the complete opposite of its non-fertile state. It will feel soft, high, open, and wet.

If you are paying attention, you can predict when you are about to ovulate simply by the position and state of your cervix and cervical mucus.

Stage 1: Beginning Of Your Cycle

At this point, you will have your menstrual period. There will be blood. But if you were to check, you would find that your cervix sits lower and is closed.

Stage 2: After Your Period

When the bleeding stops, your cervix will still be low and feel closed. If you are able to detect cervical mucus, it will be dense and sticky.

Stage 3: Approaching Ovulation

Increasing estrogen levels cause your cervical mucus to become more watery and creamy in texture. Your cervix will have moved higher in the vagina now.

Stage 4: Just Before Ovulation

Cervical mucus is difficult to ignore at this point because it has increased and is slippery and stretchy. It will resemble raw egg white.

If you feel your cervix now, it will feel wet with cervical mucus. It will also sit high in the vagina and be open to allow sperm to enter. If you cannot feel your cervix, this is okay. It may be too high for your reach.

Stage 5: During Ovulation

You may have more cervical mucus now than ever, but your fertility for this cycle is already on the decline. The cervix moves lower in the vagina and will soon be closing.

Stage 6: After Ovulation

Your cervix and cervical mucus return to the non-fertile state until a new cycle begins again with your menstrual period.

Best Days To Have Sex For Conception

It is virtually impossible to conceive without having sex during your fertile window, which is only six days out of each cycle. Your fertile window begins five days before you ovulate and ends on the day of ovulation.

You can increase your chances of conception from 0% to 30% by understanding when to have sex based on cervical mucus type.

The best days to have sex for conception are the two days before you ovulate. This is when you will notice the egg white cervical mucus (EWCM) and your cervix will be at its highest point.

Other Ways To Detect Ovulation

In addition to getting to know your cervix, there are a few ways you can tell when you are ovulating.

Basal Body Temperature

Take your temperature first thing in the morning every day of your cycle. Make note and chart your temperature each day.

One should notice a spike of about 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit after ovulation. After tracking for a few cycles, you should be able to predict when you will ovulate.

Ovulation Prediction Kit

You can buy an over-the-counter kit that can predict when you will ovulate. It works by detecting levels of luteinizing hormone in your urine.

Other Methods

Some women experience other signs of ovulation, and these can be used to help determine when you are ovulating. Other signs include, cramping, heightened senses, heightened sex drive, and bloating.

Monday, 31 October 2016 06:14

Bond You Share Through Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a great way to get to know your baby better as you will be able to completely devote your time of nursing exclusively to your child. From the array of goodness that both, mother and baby, can benefit from, here are

5 advantages of breastfeeding:

1. Reduces the risk of your baby developing chronic conditions like Type 1 diabetes.
2. Lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by about half.
3. Fewer chances of the mother or baby growing obese.
4. Lowers the risk of some childhood cancers along with lowering the risks of premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer in mothers.
5. Breastfed babes have a better antibody response to vaccines in comparison to formula-fed babies.

Breastfeeding is special and is a great opportunity to build the base of a healthy relationship with your child. You partner can also accompany you and your baby during nursing sessions so the pair can also start establishing a bond.

Thursday, 13 October 2016 08:54

9 Infertility Signs For Men And Women

Even if being a parent is not in your mind right now, you could be infertile and suffering from silent changes in your body. This could affect your sex life too. Here are the 9 signs you need to keep an eye on:

1.Heavy Periods

If you’ve noticed that your periods are heavier than usual, this could be a sign of issues related to infertility. This also could be because of various reasons like change in medication, poor nutrition, or hormonal changes. But if these factors are not involved, you must go and see your doctor soon.

2.No Periods At All

If your periods suddenly stopped altogether, you’re at a risk of many health issues due to infertility. Just be sure that your periods stopped for valid reasons, but please see a doctor in any case.

3.Irregular Dates

If you can’t keep a track of your periods, and they are extremely irregular, this could indicate that you’re not ovulating. Without ovulation, you can’t get pregnant. This could be fixed with treatments and medication.

4. Incredible Painful Periods

Pain during periods is not generally an indication of infertility. Many women suffer from cramps which makes them vomit. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, rectal pain, blood in urine and bowel movement, and pain during sex are the other factors which you need to consider before taking it as a sign of infertility.

5.You’re Gaining Weight For No Reason

You have no idea why you’re gaining so much weight. You also have higher resistance towards insulin. Despite of changing your diet and activity levels, you’re still not sure why you’re not losing weight. This could also be a sign of infertility.

6.Dramatically Decreased Sex Life

Once you enjoyed having sex, but now you have no heart in it at all. Decreased sex drive is also an indication of your infertility. You might also get extremely stressed out and depressed.

7. Hair Loss And Hair Thinning

Hair loss in men and women can happen due to several reasons. But not all of them are directly related to fertility. Hair thinning is also a sign of PCOs, and you might have to struggle to conceive.

8. Dark Hair Growing In New Places On Your Body

Unwanted hair growth on your face, or other parts of the body, is a clear indication that you’re suffering from infertility. This is also a possible sign that you’re suffering from PCOs.

9. Sudden Development Of Acne

Have you noticed changes in your skin? Onset of pimples when you’re an adult is a clear sign that your hormones are not balanced. For women, this could also be a sign of PCOs.

Thursday, 13 October 2016 08:04

Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins

Lumpy, twisted veins can give you a lot of grief, making your legs heavy and painful. But simple things like keeping your feet elevated, exercising, and wearing comfortable shoes and clothes can help varicose veins better. Extracts of butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, and bilberry have also been found to relieve swollen feet and cramps. So put your feet up and relax – there’s a lot that can be done for your varicose veins!

Varicose veins form when valves that open to let the blood flow into the heart become damaged or weak, causing blood to flow backward. This blood then pools in the veins, causing them to become swollen and twisted.

Factors May Mean That You’re Likely To Get Them

  • There could be a genetic component to varicose veins, with almost 50% of people with varicose veins having a family history.
  • As you age, the valves in your veins become weaker and may not function properly.
  • Women tend to be more likely to get them. Hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and puberty could be a cause. Moreover, during pregnancy, the baby puts additional pressure on the mother’s legs, which can lead to varicose veins.
  • Obesity can increase your risk as it puts extra pressure on your veins.
  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time can also raise your chances of getting varicose veins. When you stay put in a position for long, your veins have to work harder to get blood to the heart.

What Can You Do About It?

In some cases, your doctor may recommend medical procedures like endothermal ablation (which uses energy from radio waves or lasers to seal the veins that are affected), sclerotherapy (where a foam that scars the affected vein and seals it is injected in), or surgery.4 However, most people with varicose veins do not need treatment – lifestyle changes and home remedies can help them manage the condition. Traditional medical systems like Ayurveda too have answers for this condition.

1. Lifestyle Changes

  • Your doctor may recommend the use of compression stockings which puts gentle pressure on the legs to help blood flow.
  • Make sure that you take enough breaks if you have to stand or sit (especially with your legs crossed) for a while. Raising your legs above your heart level can also ease pressure on your veins.
  • Regular exercise can improve the muscle tone of your legs and blood circulation. And if you’re obese, losing weight can help immensely.
  • Dress comfortably as tight clothes can make it harder for blood to flow.
  • Don’t wear high heels for too long; smaller heels are better for toning your calf muscles, which will improve blood circulation.

2. Natural Remedies

Some natural remedies can also be useful in dealing with varicose veins.

  • Horse chestnut seed extract reduces swelling in the leg as well as itching, heaviness, and pain. The bioactive compound aescin is thought to be responsible for these effects.6 It’s effective when taken internally as well as applied externally. However, do keep in mind that raw horse chestnut seeds are toxic and should not be consumed. When properly processed, the toxic element (esculin) is removed, making it safe for use.7
  • Bilberry Fruit extracts have been found to strengthen capillaries and increase the flexibility of red blood cell membranes. It can relieve swelling of the ankle and calf, numbness, and cramps.8
  • Witch Hazel has flavonoids and tannins that protect the structure of veins and help maintain blood vessels. Wiping the affected area with a witch hazel decoction can be helpful, but do be careful not to exert pressure directly on the varicose veins.9
  • Gotu Kola can strengthen veins and improve circulation.10 Salves as well as supplements containing its extracts are used for varicose veins. A study found that when it was used to treat people with varicose veins for two months it reduced swelling as well as heaviness in the legs.11
  • Butcher’s Broom root contains ruscogenin, a steroidal component that helps to strengthen veins.12 Studies have found that a formulation containing the extract of butcher’s broom root has the ability to reduce pain, cramping, and heaviness in people with varicose veins when ingested.13 Topical creams with butcher’s broom are also used for varicose veins.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar has been traditionally used for varicose veins. Participants of a study were asked to soak a cloth with apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area for half an hour twice daily, in addition to following regular medical treatment. Symptoms like cramps, swelling, pain, and itching improved considerably more than it did for those who were just following regular medical treatment.14

3. Ayurvedic Remedies

  • Ayurveda prescribes the procedure of bloodletting (raktamokshan) for varicose veins. A medicinal leech is applied to parts of the body surrounding the varicose vein so that it can suck out blood. A study that looked at the effectiveness of leech therapy found that it promoted healing of ulcers or sores, and reduced swelling and hyper-pigmentation in people with varicose veins.15
  • Massage with medicinal oils like narayan oil and bala oil or even plain warm sesame oil twice a day upward from foot to groin is considered to strengthen valves and improve varicose veins. Do be careful not to knead or apply pressure directly on the varicose. And soak your legs in warm water after the massage for a relaxing finish.16
  • Ayurveda also prescribes specific medicinal formulations like naagaarjunaabhra ras and punarnavaadi guggulu to treat varicose veins.
Thursday, 13 October 2016 07:56

6 Habits To Kick To Keep Your Sperm Healthy

Are you hoping to start a family soon? If you’ve been having trouble in that department, your sperm health is one area you may be able to influence. And dropping some bad habits that you may not even realize are harming your sperm may well be the best place to start.

Not Eating Healthy

Your diet too may be impacting your semen quality. If you love your junk food or indulge in processed meats on a regular basis, this could cost you dearly. Multiple studies have found that high intake of processed meats, especially when it comes at the cost of adequate fresh vegetable and fruit intake, can negatively impact semen quality.3 As one study in Spain found, not having adequate antioxidant levels or not getting in nutrients like folate, lycopene, vitamin C, and fiber can mean your sperm health isn’t optimal. So tank up on those fresh fruits and veggies, and cut back a little on your processed meat and carb intake.4


Smoking cigarettes is a habit you’re constantly told is bad for you, but it isn’t easy to quit either. If starting a family is important to you, that could be the motivation you need. Research has found that cigarette smoking negatively impacts sperm density, sperm count, and the percentage of motile sperm in the ejaculate. In one study, the “normal” or healthy sperm form was much lower in test subjects who smoked than in those who did not.6 A separate bit of research showed that the sperm of smokers saw higher levels of DNA fragmentation. So unless you want to see the nuclear quality of your sperm and overal sperm health deteriorate, you may need to give smoking a complete rethink.

Not Having Enough Sex

Yes, abstinence may actually backfire. If you’re planning to “save up” in the hope that it will bump up your chances of conception, think again! As some researchers found, abstinence for a period ranging between 2 and 18 days impacted semen parameters. While semen volume itself increased, the normal morphology declined and motility took a hit. For those test subjects who abstained from having sex for over seven days, major changes (decline) in the quantum of normal sperm were recorded. Researchers concluded that long periods of abstinence could cause senescence or deterioration of sperm.8 So it may pay to keep up the roll in the hay for your sperm health.

Being Stressed

You may think stress isn’t a habit with you, but it’s actually surprising how easily we all allow stress to rule our lives. If you break this cycle and overcome stress, do away with stress triggers, or find ways to relax and unwind, it can have a bigger effect than you may imagine. For one thing, you should see sperm quality improve. As one study showed, psychological stress hampers sperm quality, causing a decline in its ability to fertilize an egg. Researchers surmised that the release of glucocorticoids (a type of steroid hormone) interfered with the production of testosterone as well as sperm. They also suggested that the oxidative stress could have a negative impact on fertility and semen quality. The worse the stress, the lower the concentration of motile and morphologically “normal” sperm. Work stress surprisingly was not a problem; it is the stress in our personal lives and because of major life events that needs to be addressed.5 Either way, ensuring you get enough sleep and taking up yoga or meditation for relaxation may help.

Is One Drink Never Enough?

If you’re a teetotaler, you can skip this one. But if you enjoy your ice cold beer on a hot summer’s day, and find that it isn’t a celebration until you’ve poured a fine single malt, you may want to read on. If you know you’ve been drinking more than you should, or you can’t remember the last time you went without a drink for a day at a stretch, your alcohol consumption may be a little excessive. And that spells doom for your sperm health. In one particular case, a man with chronic alcohol intoxication had teratozoospermia or abnormal sperm morphology, which progressed to oligoasthenoteratospermia where density and movement were also impacted. Over time, as things worsened, sperm could only be isolated using a centrifuge because their volume was low in the ejaculate, a condition called cryptozoospermia. Ultimately, he developed azoospermia – the complete absence of any viable motile sperm at all in the ejaculate. With things this bad, it may seem like there would be no hope for someone in his situation. However, the benefits of kicking this bad habit began to show in just three months. In this instance, semen characteristics improved significantly in a short time with complete normalcy on all sperm and semen parameters in three months’ time. So if you’re a heavy drinker, you may want to cut back or go cold turkey and make your peace with a spritzer or lemonade for a while.

Showing Your Laptop (And Wi-Fi) Too Much Love

Are you someone who can’t do without the gadgets? If so, chances are you spend inordinately large amounts of time with your laptop perched on your lap as you check email, prepare presentations, or just upload images and posts. Worse yet, unless you’ve been living under a rock, Wi-Fi is probably a big part of your world too. We all hook up to the internet wherever we are through Wi-Fi. The bad news is, this combination of laptop usage with Wi-Fi link-up can actually cause your sperm motility to decline. It also causes the DNA of your sperm to fragment, affecting its viability. Researchers on one study that backs this claim say that the position of the laptop, in such close proximity to your testes, causes damage through a nonthermal effect. The radio frequency electromagnetic waves emitted are to blame. Using a laptop running on Wi-Fi caused radiation emissions thrice as much as when no Wi-Fi was used, and between 7 and 15 times more than when no laptop was present at all.1 So do yourself a favor and always work on your laptop at a table, keeping it as far away from your testes as possible. And difficult as it may seem, avoid the Wi-Fi, at least as long as you’re trying to conceive with your partner.


There would hardly be anyone who does not run the extra mile to delay aging of skin and appearance of wrinkles. There is no necessity to go for expensive treatments and procedures, for this purpose.

You have several simple home remedies that effectively address the issue. Here are 6 of the best remedies.
1. Olive Oil And Honey

Olive oil comes packed with several key vitamins and is hence a highly dependable substance to fight wrinkles. In fact, in this remedy, you also have honey that perfectly complements the oil to beat the aging of skin.

Go ahead and start trying it from today! You will soon be amazed with the young look of your skin!


Take 1 tbsp each of olive oil and honey.
Mix them together thoroughly.
Now gently rub the mixture on the skin.
Repeat it 2 times every day to rejuvenate the skin.

2. Fenugreek

Here, you have another reliable home remedy, fenugreek. The minerals and vitamins present in fenugreek ensure that your skin remains free of wrinkles and lines for a very long time.


  • Take 1 cup of fenugreek seeds.
  • Grind them to form a solid paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face.
  • Leave it undisturbed overnight.
  • Rinse your face using warm water, in the morning.
  • Follow the process every day to see the desired result.

3. Rose water, Lemon Juice And Glycerine

Rose water is a powerful astringent that enables the skin not to lose its firmness. Here, you combine rose water with two more substances that combat skin aging, lemon juice and glycerine.


  • Take 2 tsp rose water and 1 tsp each of lemon juice and glycerine.
  • Mix the 3 ingredients together properly.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture.
  • Now slowly rub the cotton ball on your face daily, at bedtime.

Go for any of these tried and tested home remedies and stop worrying about wrinkles and aging of the skin.

4. Yogurt

When combating skin aging is your priority, yogurt is an ingredient that you must not ignore. The high content of lactic acid in yogurt leads to speedy regeneration of skin cells. Try this wonderful remedy today!


  • Take ½ cup of yogurt.
  • Directly spread it on your face.
  • Wait for around 30 minutes.
  • Wash off your face using cool water.
  • Repeat this daily and you will be happy with the outcome.

5. Papaya Mask

The list of anti-aging home remedies will be incomplete if a mention of the papaya mask is not made. The antioxidant effects of papaya, are great for your skin.


  • Take 1 ripe papaya and slice it into small pieces.
  • Mash these pieces so that they become a fine paste.
  • Spread the paste on your face.
  • Leave it undisturbed for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse your face with lukewarm water.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is packed with strong astringent properties, which enhance the appearance of your skin by preventing/reducing formation of wrinkles. The vinegar maintains the proper PH balance of the skin, too.


  • Take ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.
  • Now take 1 spray bottle.
  • Add the vinegar and water in the spray bottle.
  • Mix well.
  • Then spray the contents on your face.
  • Gently rub the mixture on your face.
  • Use this spray every day to prevent skin aging.
Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:39

Health Starts In Your Gut

Gut health is the key to one's overall health. Often we neglect the importance of stomach and its function. Stomach health helps brain function better, improves immune system, and brings the glow on skin as well. Know the impacts of healthy stomach on your body.

Gut Health Is Key To Overall Health!

Commonly known as the gut, digestive system, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, or intestines to name a few. You would think with so many names that there would be more people paying attention to it. Especially since its does so much for us without us even knowing or paying attention to it’s function.

Gut Health Impact


Where does the brain gets its energy? From nutrients absorbed in the gut. Think about that brain fog you get in the middle of the day or around 3 o’clock. If you trace back about 1-3 hours from that feeling, I bet you either skipped breakfast or ate a heavy processed lunch didn’t you?

Not to mention feeling sluggish or unmotivated most of the day. Yep that starts in the gut too. Serotonin, the happy hormone, is produced and stored primarily in the gut. It is responsible for regulating intestinal movement, heart function, bladder control, sleep, and name it Mood.

Immune System

Have you ever heard anyone say ‘Your immune system starts in your gut!’? Well if not, hear it from me. If you are not digesting or moving your food though you digestive system then it is just sitting there. Lets just paint a little picture here… what happens if water sits in a stagnant pool for a while? What does it look like? Gross right…

Its going to work the same in your digestive system. If you are not pooping regularly and cleaning everything out, then your immune system is kept busy trying to attack the the food particles that have gotten into the blood stream. This happens because the gut is inflamed and the immune system is unable to pay attention to the cold, flu, or cancer cells growing out of control. We will talk more about this inflammation in a later post.

On the flip side, if your gut is healthy, not inflamed and moving normally then your immune system is primed and ready to catch that bacteria before it starts to make you sick. It will also be able to pay attention when a cell gets damaged and starts to grow out of control i.e. Cancer.


Typically if your healthy on the inside you are healthy on the outside. What that means is that if your digesting, absorbing and eliminating properly then you will have less skin problems, that can show up as eczema, acne, psoriasis, skin lesions, and even wrinkles.

So in summary, the gut helps to you feel better mentally and physically. It helps to keep you healthy by catching bacteria and viruses when they first appear. When everything is working properly you can also tell a difference in the way your skin looks.

Keeping myself and my clients healthy and happy is my passion and business, so if you feel that your body is not performing exactly the way you want it to then send me an email and lets talk.