J.N. Ssekazinga
Wednesday, 21 September 2016 11:38

Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, but what’s more important is what you have for it. Although that greasy bacon, maple-syrup soaked pancakes are just delicious, that excess sugar and fat will make you as ready as a sloth for the day ahead.Here some best foods to start on in your morning.

1. Eggs

Yummy, versatile and protein-rich, it helps with blood-sugar levels and reduces heart disease. Antioxidants in egg-yolk, called lutein and zeaxanthin help prevent eye problems such as cataracts, while its choline content promotes better liver and brain health.

2. Greek Yogurt

Creamy yet calcium-rich, its probiotic goodness keeps your gut healthy and balanced while its conjugated linoleic acid increases metabolism, reduces the risk of breast cancer and cools the body down overall.

3. Berries

Packed with antioxidants, berries such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, are low in calories, reduce the blood’s cholesterol levels and contain anthocyanins, which improve the heart’s functions and slower aging in the body’s cells.

4. Fruit

Rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium and water content, fruits such as oranges also provide all the vitamin C you need per day to boost your immune systems.

5. Oatmeal

For cereal lovers out there, the special fiber in oats called beta-glucan helps reduce cholesterol, fills you up faster, decreases blood pressure and is perfectly safe for those who are gluten-sensitive.

6. Nuts

This crunchy goodness, possesses the needed essential oils, decreases inflammation, promotes blood-sugar control, rich in magnesium and potassium, it is very healthy for the heart.

7. Cottage Cheese

Rich in protein, it also promotes metabolism and reduces frequent ‘hunger pangs’ caused by the hormone ghrelin. Would go perfectly with some crispy toast and eggs.

8. Chia Seeds

Known to be a viscous fiber, it helps balance the amount of food your digestive tract works with, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure and even protects cells from the free radicals i.e. unstable molecules to ease metabolism.

9. Flax seeds

Helps reduce abnormal cell-growth that causes breast cancer, with rich fiber-content, it balances the levels of insulin to reduce blood sugar levels. Just make sure you grind your flax seeds, as their hard shell makes it hard to digest.

10. Green Tea

As one of the healthiest drinks out there, it facilitates concentration, controls mood-swings, helps fight diabetes and its hormone EGCG can help protect the nervous system and heart.

11. Coffee

The caffeine from your classic morning cuppa’ jo, is said to improve the brain’s performance, by increasing alertness, improving moods, burning fat, protecting cell-lining and reducing the chances of liver disease.

12. Protein Shake

Coming in many forms from whey, soy and egg, it helps reduce those uncontrollable hunger pangs, balances blood sugar levels and promotes metabolism.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 10:22

Best Fertility Foods For Men

Improve reproductive health in general. Oysters, nuts, spinach, wheat germ and pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which benefits sperm count and testosterone. Male fertility can depend largely on factors, such as diet, lifestyle, sexual habits, and occupational exposures. A good diet is imperative for improving male fertility. Here is a  list of fertility foods for men.


Fish contains Essential Fatty Acids which helps improve circulation around the reproductive system and boosts sperm quality in the process.

Healthy Fats

Research shows that dietary deficiencies and oxidative stress can significantly impact fertilization and pregnancy.


Zinc plays an important role in sperm development and testosterone production. Oysters, nuts, spinach, wheat germ and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of zinc.


Tomatoes are one of the best food sources of the antioxidant lycopene. There have been several studies undertaken on lycopene and male fertility and it has been found to significantly improve motility (the sperms ability to swim), activity and structure of sperm.

Fresh Fruits

Fruits are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants which improve sperm quality and count. It is wise to consume at least two portions of fresh fruits daily, if you are planning a baby. Have fruits like sweet lemon or mousambi, oranges and mangoes which are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. Don’t miss on pomegranates, studies indicate that pomegranate extracts can improve sperm quality and boost production of testosterone.


Garlic has a lot of therapeutic properties and one of them is to recover testicular functions and improve male sexual health. It is also believed to have aphrodisiac properties and improve blood circulation


One of the simplest ways of improving sperm count and quality is to drink enough water.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 09:32

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent Diabetes

Making a few lifestyle changes can dramatically lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. The same changes can also lower the chances of developing heart disease and some cancers. Could follow these few ways.

1. Lose Excess Body Fat

Being overweight is a big risk factor for diabetes. In contrast, every kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight lost reduces diabetes risk by 16 percent.

2. Follow A Plant-Based, Low-Calorie Diet

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables ,a dietary pattern studies show reduces diabetes risk. Foods to avoid are those rich in trans fats (also called hydrogenated fat), saturated fat, and sugar.

3. Sleep Well

Chronic sleep deprivation and poor quality sleep increase the risk for diabetes and obesity. If you have continued problems sleeping, contact your doctor.

4. Move Your Body

Physical inactivity raises the risk of diabetes. Exercise renders cells more sensitive to insulin. Brisk walking does the trick.

5. Drink Water

Studies link sugar-sweetened beverages with obesity and diabetes. Cut them out of your diet and the risk of both conditions falls.

6. Stress Less

The stress response triggers the release of several hormones that increase blood sugar. Studies show that mindfulness meditation improves the ability to cope with stress. Physical activity and social support also help relieve stress.

7. Keep Medical Appointments

Warning signs of type 2 diabetes are less dramatic than those of type 1 diabetes. That’s why it’s important to see your doctor regularly.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 09:17

Grow Thicker Eyebrows Naturally in These Few Ways!

 Thick eyebrows accentuate the face and also make you look younger, enhance  beauty, and are a desire by all. Well can follow  these few natural ways to grow thicker eyebrows:

1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is a very common and effective remedy for thicker eyebrows. It contains protein, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants that promote hair growth by nourishing the follicles. They also resist any microorganisms that hamper hair growth. To apply, take a cotton swab and soak it in castor oil and apply it on the eyebrow. Then, gently message with your fingers for 2 to 3 minutes.  Leave this on for atleast 30 minutes. If you can leave it on overnight, the results will be more effective. Wash this off with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser. Repeat this for a few weeks. Also, if you experience any itching or burning while using castor oil, do not continue to use it.

2. Coconut Oil

With its primary properties in hair growth, it can prove very beneficial for growing thick eyebrows as well. Coconut oil has various proteins as well as nutrients like vitamin E and iron that promote healthy and thick eyebrows. It can also help make your eyebrows darker. For dense eyebrows, take a few drops of coconut oil on your fingertips and massage it on your eyebrows to promote blood circulation. Leave this on overnight, and rinse of off next morning. Apply daily for 2 to 3 months, and you will see the difference.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera juice stimulates hair growth on the eyebrows. It gives an added shine to the eyebrows if applied. Aloe Vera is known to nourish the hair follicles and boost hair growth. It also restores and repairs the damage caused to the eyebrows due to over plucking or waxing.

4. Onion Juice

Onion Juice is high on sulphur that increases blood circulation in the area and boosts hair growth. It also strengthens hair follicles. Apply onion juice on your eyebrows and massage for 5 minutes. Allow this to dry and then rinse it off. Do this daily for a few weeks to see results.

5. Fenugreek Seeds

They are rich in protein as well as nicotinic acid and lecithin that promote hair growth. To apply, first soak 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water for atleast 5 hours. Grind the seeds into a thick paste, and add some coconut oil to it. Apply it to your eyebrows, leave it for some and then wash it off.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 08:59

Natural Hair Conditioners For Regular Use

Most people normally experience hair loss in their 30s when hormonal changes, unhealthy diet and stress take their toll. In trying to correct these factors, adopting natural herbal remedies is very helpful in facilitating hair growth. Here are a few natural hair conditioners that will treat damaged, dry, and fizzy hair.

Onion And Garlic

Sulphur increase collagen production, which in turn promotes hair growth. Onion and garlic are great sources of sulphur, and this is why they have been used for decades as traditional hair conditioners. All you do is chop the onion, squeeze the juice and apply it to the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with mild shampoo. With garlic, you fine chop some cloves, mix with coconut oil and boil for a few minutes. When the mixture has cooled off, apply to your scalp. For optimum results, repeat the treatment twice a week.


Coconut comes with a variety of ingredients that naturally condition and promote hair growth. Coconut contains proteins, minerals and essential fats that help reduce hair breakage. Coconut oil also contains ingredients that strengthen hair follicles and roots. Regular use of this treatment will strengthen your hair and reduce hair loss. Just cut open a coconut, squeeze the milk and mix with a little water before gently applying to areas where you notice thinning and balding. Rinse off with water the next morning.


Widely known in Asia as a natural herbal remedy for strengthening hair and maintaining its color. It works even better when combined with mustard oil.


Hibiscus and coconut are major components in strengthening the hair. Hibiscus contains several rejuvenating properties that nourish the hair, prevent dandruff and prevent the formation of premature grey hair. Regular use of these flowers will also mitigate hair loss. Just crush a few hibiscus flowers and mix with coconut oil to form a paste. Apply to the hair and leave for a few hours, then rinse off with mild shampoo.


Amla is rich vitamin C and antioxidants, making the ideal solution for hair loss. Not only is it good for the hair, but when consumed it can bring about several benefits to the body. Crush the fruit and mix it with lime. Mix the two and apply to the scalp and leave to dry. Rinse with warm water.


Eggs are also an excellent source of sulphur and other minerals such as iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and iodine. These minerals promote hair growth more especially when mixed with olive oil. Mix the egg white with olive oil and apply to the scalp. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Hair loss is normally attributed to a poor diet or inadequate hair care. Make sure to eat a well balanced diet with all the minerals essential for good hair growth. Also avoid harsh chemicals that may reduce the lifespan of your hair.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 08:26

Want Younger Looking Skin? Avoid These Foods.

Are you getting on in years but hoping to retain that youthful skin you’ve always been so proud of? If you’re worried by those first age spots or wrinkles, it pays to know what foods to avoid, to prevent your skin from aging it faster, as much as it does to know what is good for your skin.

Sugar Causes Skin To Age . A Bitter Pill To Swallow

This might leave a bitter taste in your mouth, but that sugary snack or soda or that sweet spoonful you add to your morning cuppa could be ruining your skin. According to research, it is the process of glycation (when sugar binds itself to the elastin and collagen in your body) that make it especially bad for your skin. The familiar sign of aging skin – the loss of plumpness or springiness – is due to the diminished function of collagen and elastin. And all that sugar you’ve been having could hasten the process when it binds to these skin-friendly proteins.

Refined Carbohydrates Ruin Skin

Consuming white bread, white rice, or even pasta made from refined flour can speed up the aging of your skin and could cause acne too. These simple carbohydrates are stripped of the nutrition and fiber that make whole grain so good for you. What’s worse, though, is the glycation process mentioned earlier happens with such carbs too.

Alcohol  No Cheers Here

You’ve probably heard red wine is great for cardiovascular health, but what not everyone will tell you is that too much alcohol can be bad for your skin. It dehydrates your skin, causing it to be damaged, and ages it, making you seem older. This extrinsic aging, as it is called, is akin to what smoking or excessive sun exposure can do to damage your skin.3

Candy ; Not So Sweet After All

Sugar isn’t the only offender in all that colorful candy you covet. Those lurid colors and heavenly flavors are mostly chemicals, synthetic colors, and artificial flavors. The refined sugar used to make most candies causes degradation of the elastin and collagen in your skin, plus the artificial additives can be toxic.4High glycemic diets in general have been associated with premature aging, and, on the other side, a low glycemic diet can lower your chances of developing acne. So leave that candy for kids at Halloween and get your sweet tooth satiated with fresh fruit instead.5

Say A Big Fat No To Saturated Fats

Research has found that a very fatty diet can also take its toll on your skin. One study found that increasing the fat intake in the diet of test subjects by about 17 gm caused skin atrophy and wrinkling to increase. This was regardless of age, BMI, and other factors like physical activity and sunlight exposure.6 Trans fats are another big offender when it comes to aging your skin. A cause of inflammation, these fats are found in store-bought or fast-food restaurant cookies, doughnuts, pies, muffins, cakes, and fried foods.7

Too Much Dairy

While dairy products can be a great source of vitamins and minerals, too much dairy could be counter-productive. As one study found, individuals whose diet comprised a lot of butter and dairy saw an adverse effect on their skin. This kind of food intake resulted in greater wrinkling of the skin.8

Caffeinated Beverages

Water plays a key role in keeping skin looking healthy and supple. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, can show its age much faster and seem tired and old.9 Unfortunately, when you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, whether it is a cup of coffee or tea, you might miss out on drinking enough fluids like water or juices that can keep you well hydrated. In addition, your body may need more water to compensate for the diuretic effects of the caffeinated beverages you drink.10

Monday, 19 September 2016 14:02

How Diabetes Affects Your Sex Life?

It is estimated that 75% of men and 35% of women with diabetes experience some sexual problems due to diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) to the nerves that stimulate normal sexual response.

Almost as soon as men get diagnosed with diabetes, they begin hearing dire warnings about their high risk of erectile dysfunction (ED)- the inability to achieve or maintain a satisfactory erection for sexual intercourse. Diabetes may, indeed, impair erection but ED is by no means inevitable. There are two causes of erection impairment in diabetic men: cardiovascular complications (atherosclerosis) and nerve damage (neuropathy).

Diabetes accelerates arterial clogging, which reduces erection-producing blood flow into the penis. And neuropathy damages the nerves involved in erection.

Despite the sexual problems you may be experiencing, keep communicating with your partner about your concerns or meet with a relationship counselor to learn how to communicate more effectively and resolve any issues that may be standing in the way of enjoying a healthy sexual relationship.

Monday, 19 September 2016 13:48

Why You Should Have Sex In The Morning?

Begin your day making love to your partner, the feeling of bliss shared, remains with each one throughout the day, Men’s testosterone levels are highest in the morning which helps them perform better, can improve sperm quality and fertility in women.

Sex in the Morning is Good

Starting your morning with activity in the bed has a host of benefits:

Increased Bonding With Your Partner:

Psychologists point to the fact that when you begin your day making love to your partner, the feeling of bliss shared, remains with each one throughout the day, providing reassurance and a secured feeling of ‘being there for each other’. This helps each one to deal with the problems better and face challenges. Research proves, that somewhere in the sub conscious mind, a feeling of oneness does exist when it has been sparked off early morning. Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.

Improves Fertility in Men and Women:

Frequent morning sex can also improve sperm quality and even improve fertility in a woman. In a study conducted at the Sydney IVF Clinic in Wollongong, AU, researchers studied 118 men who had higher than normal DNA sperm damage accessed by the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI). The Australian scientists instructed the men to ejaculate daily for a week to lessen their DNA sperm damage. The results of the study showed that 96 of men experienced a 12 percent decrease in sperm damage. The less DNA damage a sperm has the more likely a woman’s fertility increases.

Contributes to Healthy Hair and Skin:

An orgasm during morning sex releases chemicals that can increase estrogen levels in the body and improve the tone and texture of your skin, and hair. Blood circulation is improved during sex which helps get oxygen to the skin and provides a natural glow to your face and possibly nourishes hair.

Decreases Cardiovascular Risks:

The act of having morning sex multiple times a week can reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by half. In a study conducted at Queens University in Belfast, researchers followed 1,000 middle-aged men over a period of 10 years. Researchers in Belfast compared the participants of their study to the participants of a study published in the British Medical Journal to study how having an orgasm can affect a man’s health. As a follow-up, researchers focused on the cardiovascular health of the men and found that a man can reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease by half if he has sex two to three times a week.

Increases Immunity:

The production of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) -an antibody that protects against infection is increased during morning sex. During sexual activity, the production the IgA antibody takes place in mucosal linings of the female genital tract that provides a barrier to prevent transmission of infectious diseases.


Better Performance:

Men’s testosterone levels are highest in the morning after guys have recharged with hours of sleep, which helps them perform better.

Monday, 19 September 2016 13:42

Why Circumcision Is Necessary And Healthy?

During circumcision, the foreskin is held out, cut with a knife and a new edge is sewn shut, right below the rim of the penis head. Adults are given an anesthetic, a privilege that is not always extended to infants. The skin which is sewn shut becomes ‘tough’ or ‘keratinized’ making it more impervious to infections.

Risks Associated With Circumcision Include

Risk of bleeding
Infection at the site of the circumcision
Irritation of the glans
Increased risk of meatitis (inflammation of the opening of the penis)
Risk of injury to the penis

Studies Indicate Uncircumcised Men Are At Increased Risk For

Genital herpes

This is due to the fact that the foreskin covers a mucus membrane that is easier for viruses and bacteria to infect. However, it is important to remember that STI’s are better prevented by condoms, than anything else. But, circumcision can be helpful as a disease prevention method in places where HIV is rampant and condom compliance is low, like Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Circumcision has also been shown to reduce the chance of certain conditions occurring in female partners, like bacterial vaginosis, trichonomoniasis and cervical cancer.

Uncircumcised men can also suffer from painful conditions like ‘Phimosis’, ‘Paraphimosis’ and ‘Balanitis’. Research also suggests that circumcised boys are around 10 times less likely to catch a UTI than uncircumcised boys. In both cases, if the issue isn’t resolved in a few hours, it may require circumcision.

However, with good hygiene, safe-sex practices and regular medical check-ups, circumcision isn’t necessary. In fact, The American Medical Association (AMA) says that while there are potential medical benefits, the current data, “are not sufficient to recommend routine [infant] circumcision.”

Preggos are always excited to feel their baby’s movements inside. As it may seem, every baby turns out to be different while in the womb than after it enters the world. In general, any movement is supposed to be good movement irrespective of what time of the day or when it occurs.

At the gestational period of seven months, your baby is sleeping for most of the time in a day. Psychology Today says that babies doze off for almost 95% of the times, while your baby would still keep moving at a rate of at least 50 times per hour. The pattern might vary on a daily basis, but the movements follow a more predictable pattern as you approach the due date.

Some babies are more active during the day, as suggested by the American Pregnancy Association. You might not always be aware of the movements during the day time as you could be during nighttime. You may not feel the movements while you are steady or if you haven’t advanced much in your pregnancy. The little movements that your baby makes in the form of a hiccup, for instance, might not be felt because you are preoccupied most of the times. But you might feel the movements when they are vigorous or when your baby kicks you forcefully.

One of the reasons that might explain why your baby seems to be more active at nights could be that it is alert at a time when it isn’t feeling any activity or movement around. During the day, while you are moving around a lot, you might almost be rocking your baby into a sleepy mode. When you sleep, that movement stops, and the baby may start wondering what is happening in its surroundings.

Moreover, fetuses also start responding to sound by the seventh month of gestation and even begin to show preferences. It might start recognizing and also show preference to its mother’s voice. If your baby hears new voices in the surroundings, it might cause your baby to become more active. On the other hand, there might be other simple factors such as an untimely snack or what you eat for a snack that will alert your baby. Your baby might also get the flavor of the foods you eat through amniotic fluid. If there is a strong taste, your baby will learn to identify that scent.

If you ever feel that your baby moves around a lot especially at night, you should simply sit down steady for a while in midday. Continue with your routine tasks. Observe if your baby reacts even if you carry on with your daily activities. Make note of any distractions. In case you find your baby being quiet and still, you don’t have to panic at once. It might as well be that your child is developing its pattern of sleeping. But should you indeed notice anything alarming, it might be the time you discuss with your doctor.