J.N. Ssekazinga

East African Court of Justice, Arusha, 31st October, 2016: The Judge President of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ), Hon. Justice Dr. Emmanuel Ugirashebuja, has on behalf of the Court congratulated Hon. Justice Isaac Lenaola upon his new appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kenya.

Justice Lenaola who has been a Judge at the High Court of Kenya been promoted to the Supreme Court of Kenya after a rigorous recruitment process. His Lordship has replaced retired Justice Philip Tunoi, former Vice President of the EACJ. Until his appointment, Justice Lenaola was the head of the Constitutional and Human Rights Division at the High Court of Kenya.

The Summit of the EAC Heads of State appointed His Lordship Justice Lenaola as a Judge of the EACJ, First Instance Division, in April 2011 and consequently designated him as the Deputy Principal Judge of the same Division in November 2013, a position he still holds to date. Justice Lenaola replaced retired Hon. Lady Justice Mary Stella Arach Amoko from the Republic of Uganda with effect from 1st December, 2013.  

The President of the Court, Hon. Justice Dr. Ugirashebuja hailed Justice Lenaola upon his new appointment and wishes him success in his new role as a Supreme Court judge.

Hon. Justice Dr. Ugirashebuja said that Justice Lenaola's elevation from the High Court to the Supreme Court demonstrates the judge's industriousness and commitment to serve, thus his being entrusted with a greater assignment.   


His Excellency, President Uhuru Kenyatta swore in Justice Lenaola as a Judge of the Supreme Court on 28th October, 2016. Also sworn in at the same ceremony was Justice Philomena Mwilu as the Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya.



About the EACJ


The East African Court of Justice (EACJ or 'the Court'), is one of the Organs of the East African Community established under Article 9 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community. Established in November 2001, the Court's major responsibility is to ensure the adherence to law in the interpretation and application of and compliance with the EAC Treaty.


Arusha is the temporary seat of the Court until the Summit determines its permanent seat. The Court's sub-registries are located in the respective National Courts in the Partner States.

Thursday, 03 November 2016 10:22

Get Rid Of Stinky Morning Breath Naturally

Bad breath or halitosis can be an embarrassing social problem. Stinky breath in the morning is even worse. After all, who would want to kick off their day with a whiff of unpleasant smells? Spare your loved ones, colleagues, and friends the stink  and yourself the unpleasantness – by treating it naturally.

Your first simple trick to battle bad breath is to keep your teeth really clean before you turn in for the night. For pristine pearly whites, brush well after dinner and use a tongue cleaner to remove any deposits stuck to your tongue. Rinse well and gargle to wash away any other food particles after you eat anything. That way you avoid bacteria from thriving on the food particles left in your mouth overnight.

Stay Hydrated At Night

Saliva helps prevent bacterial growth and moisture is needed to keep those salivary glands working properly. Getting your daily minimum recommended quantity of water is important to prevent bacterial growth and bad breath resulting from inadequate moisture and saliva. Drink water before you sleep, and try and sip some when you wake up during the night. This will keep your mouth moist. Plain water is best, because juices are sugary and can help bacteria thrive. Medicines and some illnesses tend to make the mouth dry, so drinking adequate water is even more important if you experience dryness in the mouth.

Chew On Natural Breath Fresheners and Mouthwashes

  • Antibacterial remedies for breath like lemon rind, cloves, cardamom seeds, and fennel are natural mouth fresheners. These foods cause the mouth to increase the production of saliva and tackle the odor without using any strong chemical products.
  • Mint leaves also help cut through the smell and freshen up your breath.
  • Fenugreek leaves when brewed into a tea can also act as an effective antibacterial mouth freshener. Apples and pineapple juice are also said to help.
  • Baking soda is great at battling bad breath and is quick and easy to use first thing in the morning. Simply dip your damp rinsed toothbrush into baking soda and use it to brush your teeth. Alternatively, mix it with water and rinse your mouth with the solution as you would a mouthwash.

Get Treated For Sleep Apnea

When you’re asleep, your mouth tends to dry out, especially if you have a tendency to snore or leave your mouth wide open while sleeping. One study found that dry mouth was a common symptom on awakening for those with obstructive sleep apnea. And this dry mouth, in turn, creates an environment ripe for bacteria to multiply, creating that notorious morning breath. To get over bad breath from this condition, you may also need to get the cause of the sleep apnea treated.

Mind Your Diet

Onions and garlic are common offenders when it comes to causing bad breath. Any strong foods, fermented pastes, and fishy smelling ingredients with pungent flavors and smells can linger on the palate, even overnight, whenever you eat them. If you do choose to eat these foods for dinner or for a snack later at night, be sure to brush and rinse your mouth well to clean it out. Pass up on the foods that could upset the balance of your gut flora, like junk food and preservative-laden foods or sugars that help bacteria thrive. Tobacco and alcohol are also taboo if you need to do away with stinky breath.

Certain foods can also help saliva to flow better, which can help you cope with bad breath. Eat whole-grain foods, fruits, orange and dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and fish. Eat foods that aid digestion – high fiber foods will ensure your digestive system functions well so you eliminate waste better

Treat Deficiencies

Zinc is a natural antimicrobial mineral that kills germs in the mouth. Sometimes, halitosis can result from a zinc deficiency and this makes the problem of early morning stinky breath even worse.

Up your intake of zinc-rich food like poultry, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, cacao, pumpkin seeds, legume, and whole grains to increase zinc levels in the body.

Ayurvedic Cures To Battle Bad Breath

Ayurveda believes that accumulated “ama” in the body can cause bad breath. Consuming turmeric, coriander, fennel, black pepper, cumin, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, dried powdered ginger, and cayenne can kickstart your metabolism, help the body’s digestion, and cleanse the ama. To check if you have excess ama, look at your tongue in the morning. If it has a white film on the surface, this could be the cause of that morning stinky breath.

A triphala-based decoction can be used like a mouthwash twice a day to rinse the mouth. Be sure to do the first rinse in the morning to give your day a fresh, stink-free start. As one study found, this regimen along with oral ingestion of triphala powder for a month was found to be as effective in treating periodontal disease as modern alternatives. By getting to the root of the problem, this natural cure will do away with any bad breath linked to periodontal disease.



Wednesday, 02 November 2016 12:01

10 Herbs For Acne Remedies

Acne is primarily caused by changes in the hormonal balance of the body. More specifically, the onset of puberty usually coincides with the first eruption of acne because of rising levels of androgens such as testosterone and its metabolite, dihydrotestosterone. We bring to you 11 herbs that are used as acne remedies

1. Neem

Neem is valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its varied healing properties due to its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral capabilities. For acne, fresh 5 leaves everyday taken in the morning helps in removing stubborn acne.

2. Lemon

Clean your skin and apply lemon juice with a cotton ball. The acid in lemon helps flush out the pores and keeps the skin looking beautiful.

3. Garlic

Rub your acne with raw garlic several times a day. This helps in relieving the pain and also heals acne fast.

4. Grape

Grape seed extract is a powerful all-around antimicrobial agent and is an excellent disinfectant. Make a solution of 4-40 drops in four ounces of water and apply to the affected areas with a cotton ball two or three times a day.

5. Cucumber

Drink four or five cups of cucumber juice daily for a week. This will purify the blood and lymphatic system, resulting in a clearer skin.

6. Coriander

Drink tea made by combining 0.5 teaspoons of coriander, cumin and fennel and steep it in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

7. Chickpea

Wash your face with chickpea paste. Mix one teaspoon of chick-pea flour with a little water. Dry with a clean towel. This is also a good remedy to cure acne.

8. Beet

Use a blend of one-part beet root juice, three parts carrot juice and two parts water to stimulate the liver and to cleanse the system. This will help you in relieving the pain.

9. Basil

Make an infusion of basil leaves. Put two to four teaspoons of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 to 20 minutes, cool, and apply to the acne.

10. Aloe

The pulp of aloe vera is an exceptional skin cleanser. The juice of this plant counteracts infection and promotes healing. Split off a portion of aloe vera leaf and rub the pulp directly on the skin.

Thursday, 04 April 2019 10:15

Easy ways to treat stretch marks

Sanyu Nalubega, a cosmetologist, says stretch marks are lines on the skin surface, with an off-colour tone. They are mainly found in the abdominal wall, but can also occur on the thighs, upper arms, legs, buttocks and breasts. She gives some easy remedies one can use.

Lemon juice
Rub fresh lemon juice gently onto the stretch marks using round motions. Allow the lemon juice to soak into the skin for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Alternatively, mix equal quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture on the stretch marks.

Egg whites
Extract whites from two eggs, beating the whites gently using a fork. Clean the affected skin area with water and apply a thick layer of egg whites. Allow the egg whites to dry up completely and then rinse the area with cold water. Finally apply some olive oil on the skin to keep it moisturised.

Aloe vera
Its healing and soothing properties can be used to get rid of stretch marks. Directly rub aloe vera gel on the affected skin area, leaving it on for 30 minutes and then rinse the skin with lukewarm water.

Use the sugar to exfoliate the skin. Mix a tablespoon of raw sugar with some almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it on the stretch marks and other skin areas. Gently rub the mixture on the skin for a few minutes every day before taking a shower.

Potato juice
Cut a medium-sized potato into thick slices. Take one of the potato pieces and rub it gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes. Make sure the starch from the potato covers the affected area. Allow the potato juice to dry for some time and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Source: Daily Monitor

If you suffer from joint pain, whether temporarily or permanently, you’ll know how this can affect your quality of life. Our joints connect our bones, support our bodies, and help us move. If our joints are damaged due to disease or injury, it interferes with our movement and causes pain.

Causes Of Joint Pain

There are two leading causes of joint pain: an injury affecting the ligaments, bursae, or tendons either surrounding or within the joint.

Joint pain can be mild and go away within a few weeks (acute), or it can be a long-term or permanent condition (chronic).

he two most common chronic joint diseases are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is caused by wear-and-tear around the joints from repetitive stress or excess weight. The cartilage between the bones wears down causing bone to grate on bone. The joint space becomes damaged in the process.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory process. Our own immune system begins to attack our own joints by creating excess inflammation in the tissue that protects the joints. The inflammation eventually leads to the surrounding bones being damaged.

Other causes of joint pain include bursitis (a.k.a., inflammation in the bursa, cushion around the joint), toxins collecting in the joint space (a.k.a., gout), strains/sprains of ligaments around the joints, or bone cancer.

Joint Pain Symptoms And Signs

Here is a list of symptoms that are associated with joint problems:

  • Redness of the joint
  • Swelling of the joint
  • Joint tenderness
  • Joint warmth
  • Limping
  • Locking of the joint
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Weakness in the joints

Joint Pain Treatments

Treatments are geared towards reducing pain, inflammation, and preserving joint function. The following joint pain remedies may help to alleviate the pain and improve your condition:

  1. Avoid repetitive stress of the joint. In acute cases one may need to temporarily refrain from using the joint so that the injury has time to heal.
  2. Apply ice packs or a pack of frozen peas to the joints for 15-20 minutes sessions multiple times per day.
  3. Soak your joints in a warm tub filled with 2 cups of Epsom salt and a pinch of baking soda for 15 minutes. If you can’t soak in a tub place your joints in a bowl filled with ½ cup Epsom salt and a pinch of baking soda.
  4. Take a warm shower to relax the muscles and increase blood circulation.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight relative to your height so excess pressure is relieved off of joints. For example, for each extra 5 pounds you are carry is 20 additional pounds placed on the knee. Just losing 5 to 10 lb can completely resolve many joint problems.
  6. Exercise regularly. Physical activity such is biking, walking, and swimming are essential to strengthen the muscles that support the joints as well as to lubricate the joints. However, if you suffer from knee joint pain, run on a soft surface such as grass. Exercise also helps control weight.
  7. An anti-inflammatory diet is central to decreasing joint pain. Drink turmeric and ginger tea throughout the day. Mix 2 cups of hot water with ½ teaspoon of ground ginger, ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric, and some lemon. Sip this tea 4 times per day. Refrain from consuming sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed food, pre-packaged ready-made items, red meat, white rice, and bread. Limit your intake of wheat, soy, and corn. Stick to have mostly green vegetables, legumes, seeds, and whole grains like brown rice, millet, barley, amaranth, and buckwheat.
  8. A person who is weak and has trouble getting out of a chair may need to work with a physical therapist experienced in joint issues. The therapist can teach you proper techniques on how to correctly move and strengthen your body.
  9. Assistive devices, such as shoe inserts, canes, splints, and braces can help distribute your weight more equally and take the load off your joints. Always check with your doctor first before you get an assistive device.
  10. Magnesium relaxes the muscles and nerve endings, and relieves stiffness and pain. Take 300 to 600 mg of Magnesium powder just before bedtime. Drink fresh leafy green vegetable juice all morning long. Have small beans (i.e., lentils, split peas, moong dal) instead of red meat or chicken. These are all great natural sources of obtaining Magnesium.

What If The Joint Pain Persists?

If your joint pain doesn’t go away and it’s extremely uncomfortable, swollen, red, and tender, it is time to see your doctor. If you had an injury which is accompanied by intense pain, swelling, joint deformation, or inability to use, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Wednesday, 02 November 2016 08:55

Consequences Of Working Late Nights

Working late nights can take a toll on your health, sleeping patterns and lifestyle. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, especially women who work late nights or rotational shifts might experience shorter lifespans and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

How does working late nights affect your health?

Now, the body is synchronized to night and day by a part of the brain known as the circadian clock. In the evening, when the light starts to wane, your clock notices and prompts a flood of a brain chemical called melatonin, which gives the body the signal to fall asleep. On the other hand, during the day certain chemicals or neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and acetylcholine increase in the body and they keep you awake. So, the other functions like digestion, heart rate, blood pressure fluctuate according to the circadian clock. This changing activity is known as circadian rhythm.

According to World Health Organization, the repeated disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm increases susceptibility to heart and brain problems.

Shift workers – health risks:

One important function that follows the circadian rhythm is internal body temperature. This temperature increases though the day and reduces during late evenings and nights. As the body temperature increases, it is more difficult to stay asleep. Probably this is the reason you’ve had a hard time falling asleep at 8 am. Working shifts may also increase your risk to other health problems like:

risk of obesity
– increased risk of cardiovascular disease
– mood wings
– increased risk of cancer, especially breast cancer
– gastrointestinal problems like constipation or stomach discomfort
– diabetes patients may have a problem controlling their blood sugar levels

Kick boxing is one of the few games that have brought Uganda to fame, more especially under the two names Golola Moses and Tugume Titus. Now to give more exposure to the young kick boxers, the federation has organized an international as well as African championship dubbed; “The reign of giants’’.

Under this, various players of Uganda, male and female, are going to compete for both international and African tittles. The fights are set to take place at the MTN arena Lugogo on the 2nd of December 2016.

The main game of the day is between Matsiko Alex (lion heart) playing against Khalid Dormosh from the United Arab Emirates.

One of Matsikos biggest achievements was when he stunned the entire world in 2014 by winning the European Champion Istvan Szucs.

Other fighters of the day shall be Uganda’s Shakey Mubiru  (the breaker) against Tunisia’s Ben Anes Montassar. In the female category Ugandas Apolot Patria (Black Pearl) shall face Lakhrech from Tunisia.

Apolot is the only Ugandan kick boxer who has managed to achieve international accolades in the game of kick boxing. She has also managed to defend all her tittles like the WKF international championship in Hungary. Apolot has also managed to win 11 fights out of the 12 hence 11W6KO.

Wednesday, 02 November 2016 07:24

IMF says Uganda safe despite shocks

KAMPALA, UGANDA - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said Uganda’s economy performed well under a complex environment last financial year.

IMF team was in Uganda between the 12th and 26th of Octoberlast month, to conduct the seventh review of the country’s economic program under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI). 

“Performance under the PSI has been mixed. The Bank of Uganda successfully steered core inflation toward its target of 5 percent and increased international reserves buffer. The government further strengthened its public financial management framework, poverty alleviating expenditures were in line with project objectives,” Axel Schimmelpfennig, Advisor African Department said in a media briefing last week. 

Schimmelpfennig said good progress has been made on the economy, but highlighted that election early in the year, muted growth, and regional developments weighed on sentiment, reduced growth to 4.8 percent. 

IMF underscores the current high frequency indicators suggest improvement leading to the projected growth of 5.0% this fiscal year and 5.5% in 2017/18.

Schimmelpfennig said IMF notes the difficult environment for the fiscal policy in the FY2015/16. He observed that while revenue collection increased as a share of GDP, it fell short of program expectations, reflecting lower than projected nominal growth. 

IMF said current spending was higher than anticipated and these taken together showed that the overall deficit target was missed by 0.4 percent of GDP and that government partly relied on advances from the central bank to finance its needs, therefore execution of externally financed projects lagged below target. 

Keen to the future, IMF welcomed the governments’ intent to adhere to the FY2016/17 fiscal objectives outlined in the sixth review under PSI which include among others, raising tax to GDP ratio by a half, prioritization of social and development spending in a tight envelop, and strengthening project management to ensure value for money.

“Over the medium term, the government needs to ensure that scaled-up infrastructure investment yields the targeted increase in GDP growth to improve the lives of all citizens and maintain Uganda’s low risk of debt distress. In parallel, efforts to enhance the effectiveness of social spending are equally important,” Schimmelpfennig said.  He urged government to step up on-going efforts to reduce and improve monitoring of government spending arrears which undermine budget processes. 

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Matia Kasaija, said government must continue to develop appropriate policies and guided principles to make the economy more attractive not only to local but also foreign investors. 

He said security, infrastructure investments are key in deriving growth in the economy going forward. “We are struggling, the situation is not easy but it is not that threatening,” Kasaija said in reference to the current economic situation

President Yoweri Museveni has ordered the immediate closure of Makerere University citing concerns over the safety of persons and property.

“I Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda has this 1st day of November 2016, pursuant to the powers vested in me by the Constitution and Section 26(2) of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 as amended, decided to close Makerere University with immediate effect,” reads a statement he issued on Tuesday.

Mr Museveni’s directive followed hours of turbulence at Uganda’s oldest university. On Tuesday, the students engaged police in running battles around the campus and neighbouring areas. Police fired teargas and live bullets to disperse rowdy students who fought back with stones, 50 students were arrested in the process.

The students went on strike demanding that lecturers who had earlier gone on strike demanding for nine months accrued arrears to resume teaching as they pursued their demands. The lecturers have  also been on strike since October 26 demanding payment of their eight-month salary incentive arrears amounting to Shs 28bn.

Yesterday Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA) general assembly unanimously voted to maintain the on-going strike until the university clears their incentives. Makerere says they only have about Shs 4bn which belongs to their development partners and for research.

Skin is the most important organ of the human body and also the most essential component of attractiveness. The everyday routine decides the fitness of the upper crust of the body. Skin quality also makes a person happier and rejuvenated. Skin, the most essential organ of the body requires extra care. Along with the outer care, the skin requires internal nourishment as well. Each and every layer of the skin demands proper care and gentleness.

Symptoms of Skin Problems

  • Discoloring and dark circles
  • Thin blood vessels
  • Moles and skin cancer
  • Extremely oily
  • Fine lines and dehydration

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin


It has anti tanning property, which helps in reducing the dark spots on the skin. It also treats the blemishes on the skin. However, the thing that has to be remembered is that after its application the skin must not be exposed to sunlight.

Honey Combo

Honey works best, when it is mixed with lemon and milk. These combos help in getting a lighter and clearer skin. It can also be combined with cucumber juice and curd.



Oatmeal helps in removing dirt that settles on the pores of the skin. Mix oatmeal with turmeric and water, apply on the skin, and after it dries, wash it with lukewarm water.


It acts as a natural bleaching agent. It enhances the skin’s texture and tone. The application of potato is also very simple, but it may take some time to see visible results as it works slowly.


It is a skin lightening material. It absorbs oil and opens blocked pores. Tomato provides a pink texture and can do wonders. Apply tomato pulp on the skin and wash after it dries for best results.

Ice Cubes

Ice improves blood circulation and makes the skin cool and calm. It also prepares the skin for the application of make-up. After application of ice, make up lasts longer and does not smudge.

Herbs for Healthy Skin

Orange Peel

It eliminates excess oil from the skin and has a cleansing action. It is also known for its tremendous medicinal properties like antiseptic, glowing, detoxification, and purifying characteristics. It helps regenerate new cells and get rid of dead cells.


This natural ingredient has soothing, cooling and calming impacts on the individuals. It helps in the treatment of skin infections, rashes, irritations, discoloration, dark spots and others.


Turmeric has many medicinal characteristics. These include antiseptic, antimicrobial, blood purifying, detoxification and skin enhancement characteristics. The curative properties of this herb are highly important for getting glowing and perfect skin.

Multani Mitti

This helps to exfoliate the dead skin cells of the body. It also helps to open up the blocked pores of the skin. This helps the skin to breathe and helps oxygen to reach each and every cell of the body. It also helps in treating dark circles, acne and other skin related disorders effectively.

Skin is one of the most essential parts of our body. It has an influence on your overall appearance. Thus, making it essential for all to take proper care of the skin and preserve it properly to their best.