J.N. Ssekazinga
Friday, 23 September 2016 09:40

Why Women Bleed After Giving Birth?

Your body goes through many changes postpartum. And, while some conditions may be normal, others can be equally concerning, like heavy blood flow right after birth. What causes this bleeding after childbirth? Does it indicate any underlying condition?

Why Does The Bleeding Occur?

Heavy bleeding soon after childbirth occurs when the womb doesn’t contract enough, or properly to ensure that blood vessels are shut off. The condition is called a uterine atony.

Just before childbirth, the womb contracts and pushes the placenta out. Typically doctors use an injection to put the mother in an actively managed stage. The injection reduces the risk of heavy bleeding just after childbirth.

Ordinarily, women lose around 500 ml to 1000 ml of blood after the birth of a child. But, many women can cope with the loss of blood. Any blood loss of more than 1000 ml within 24 hours of giving birth is called a PPH (Postpartum Hemorrhage). Most women experience minor PPH after childbirth.

When Does PPH Become Harmful?

While primary PPH is common among women, if you lose any more than 1000 ml of blood after childbirth, your doctors will recommend emergency treatment. A PPH can also happen because of a uterine atony, especially if:

  • You experience antepartum hemorrhage (bleeding before childbirth)
  • You are carrying a big baby or twins
  • You have a low-lying placenta
  • You are overweight
  • You are anemic
  • You are 40 years old
  • You experienced a short and active labor

How To Know If You Have PPH

You can tell that you are experiencing PPH, because of the symptoms of the condition, such as:

  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Rapid pulse rate
  • A feeling of faintness or dizziness

The midwife usually checks if the fundus (top of the womb) is firm after you’ve given birth. She may even recommend a stomach massage to ensure that the blood flow isn’t too heavy, and doesn’t endanger the new mom. Your OB/GYN may recommend you take iron tablets to normalize your dropping blood levels. In rare cases, a woman may need a blood transfusion.

Other Reasons For Bleeding After Childbirth?

While a uterine atony is usually why women bleed so heavily after childbirth, there are other less common reasons for heavy bleeding in women, and they include:

  • A retained placenta
  • Injury during childbirth
  • C-section

Pregnancy complications like preeclampsia (a condition characterized by high blood pressure, sometimes with fluid retention), or gestational diabetes, and hypertension


While a primary PPH is quite common, a secondary PPH, which occurs between 24 hours and 12 weeks of your baby’s birth, is rare and only happens in 1% births.

If you are at home, and you experience a gush of blood, or you pass a blood clot, within 12 weeks of giving birth to your child, get in touch with your doctor immediately, as the condition can lead to major complications.

Friday, 23 September 2016 09:31

Signs Of Dehydration You Must Have Felt

What happens when you don’t drink enough water everyday; disbalance in body fluids, hurting and aching eyes, tissue damage, joint pain, inflammation, slow metabolism, skin issues, and many other problems in your body for not following a simple habit. Here are 6 signs of dehydration that you must have felt sometimes:

1. Headaches And Dizziness

Headaches and lightheadedness are the first signs of dehydration. Your brain is mostly water, and hence adequate water in your body is needed for a balanced amount of fluids around your brain. Lack of water can also trigger migraines as well.


2. Poor Concentration

When you’re dehydrated, your brain can’t focus and perform well. Your thinking and communicating ability declines and start forgetting things. There are chances that you might lose consciousness.

3. Constipation

Low levels of water in your body could be a bad sign for your tummy. Constipation is one of the common things you see when you’re dehydrated. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday to keep your bowel movements smooth.

4. Dark Urine

Dark urine signifies that your urine is toxic, and your kidneys have been sending majority of water back in to the body to maintain a balanced body temperature and blood pressure.

5. Bad Breath And Dry Mouth

Bad breath and dry mouth are another reasons why you need to drink more water. Dehydration causes dry mouth and lets bacteria grow in your mouth, causing stinky breath.

6. Sudden Food Cravings

Next time you have any kind of hunger prangs or food cravings, drink a glass of water. Water helps to fill your stomach for a while and help you prevent unnecessary eating

Friday, 23 September 2016 09:20

Symptoms Of Walking Pneumonia?

The term “walking pneumonia” may spook you a bit, as if a deadly pneumonia monster is prowling the streets. The reality is quite different. A milder form of pneumonia, walking pneumonia is called so because the person affected can “walk” or perform routine activities normally without the need for hospitalization. But is this a condition that you can afford to take lightly? Let’s find out.


In pneumonia, air sacs in the lungs are inflamed and cause breathing difficulties. Over 30 different triggers can cause the condition, ranging from bacteria and viruses to harmful chemicals and even food that has been inhaled accidentally.1 Walking pneumonia (also called atypical or mycoplasma pneumonia), on the other hand, is much milder and is caused specifically by a bacterium called Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Signs Of Walking Pneumonia

Located somewhere between a cold, flu, and pneumonia, walking pneumonia is certainly an unusual condition. It is often mistaken for a cold or sniffles brought on by a change in season or an allergy – that’s how mild symptoms are. In most cases, people go about their work or daily tasks with mild discomfort.

Symptoms include

  • sore throat
  • chills
  • dry cough
  • headache
  • mild fever
  • muscle stiffness
  • loss of appetite
  • muscle aches
  • breathing problems, including rapid breathing or shortness of breath

Sometimes, the only signs that patients notice are a low-grade fever and a dry cough.

Here are some factors that can help you spot the condition early.

Age no bar: People of any age group can contract walking pneumonia. Children are usually more prone to it because they have weaker immune systems and because walking pneumonia is a droplet infection(it spreads when an infected person sneezes).3 This, however, does not mean adults are immune to the disease.
Walking pneumonia lasts longer than a typical cold. A case of the sniffles often gets better with a week’s worth of rest (and hearty bowls of chicken soup!). Symptoms of walking pneumonia last longer, often for up to a month. So any cough and cold bout that seems to last rather long warrants a doctor’s visit.
Some groups of people are more susceptible: If the person with symptoms is a child, a pregnant woman, or someone with a weakened immune system (due to organ transplants, chronic health conditions, chemotherapy or AIDS), a doctor’s opinion is a must, as the infection can worsen rapidly in these groups.4

Should You Be Worried?

Bacteria of the Mycoplasma species are often underestimated because the diseases they cause are often easily treatable (think urinary tract infections and some cases of bacterial vaginosis). Although walking pneumonia often resolves on its own, there is a risk of serious complications in some cases. And being a bacterial illness, it may not always get better on its own. It can even progress into a severe form of pneumonia.

Mild symptoms don’t make it any less contagious either – without treatment, you could spread the disease far and wide.5 Walking pneumonia has the potential to become an epidemic and is quickly spread through coughing and sneezing, especially in crowded spaces or environments such as schools. According to the CDC, an estimated 2 million cases of mycoplasma infections are reported in the United States – but because it’s often underreported, the figure is assumed to be much higher than this.6 Many times, what we brush off as a persistent cold may be putting children, immunocompromised individuals, or people with poor access to healthcare in a vulnerable position. And the situation can deteriorate rapidly after a point.

In most cases, once diagnosed accurately, walking pneumonia is easy to treat with antibiotics. But getting the right diagnosis is important because antibiotics used to fight viral flu or even regular pneumonia may fail when it comes to walking pneumonia.7

People who’ve had a bout of walking pneumonia usually develop some immunity to the disease. However, if several cases of walking pneumonia have been reported in your area and you seem to have a few symptoms, it is best to see a doctor even if you’ve undergone treatment previously.


Friday, 23 September 2016 09:04

Health Risks Associated With Obesity?

Obesity is so rampant today that it is often referred to as the “obesity epidemic.” Men, women, and even children fall into the weight trap and find the quality of their life diminishing. But obesity is more than an inconvenience that hinders your day-to-day life. If left unaddressed, it can cause serious harm to your body and affect your well-being in ways that can be crippling.


A healthy body composition is one in which organ, muscle, fat, fluid, and bone weight are appropriately distributed. The simplest way to assess obesity is via waist circumference (WC). The higher the WC, the higher is the truncal adiposity or excess central fat distribution. Body Mass Index (BMI) is another important marker of obesity. A BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity, whereas that of 25 to 29.9 indicates overweight. There is only a thin line between the two, and if you’re not cautious it can easily blur, bringing in its wake a host of health problems.

Healthy Body Equals Healthy Heart

The risk of coronary heart disease goes up as the BMI rises. Our arteries supply blood rich in oxygen to the heart. Increased levels of fat in the body lead to the deposition of a wax-like substance (plaque) in the arteries, which reduces blood flow to the heart. The upshot – angina or heart attack. Blocked blood vessels also lead to clot formation. When this clot gets dislodged and travels to the brain, the result is a stroke.

Cancer Calling.

A systematic review by the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research cites obesity as the common risk factor for a number of cancers, especially breast, colon, endometrial, gastric, liver, and pancreatic cancers.4

Metabolic And Diabetic Dangers

Syndrome X or metabolic syndrome is closely associated with extra fat around the waist. A group of biochemical and physiological abnormalities, this syndrome can raise your risks of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes due to poor insulin metabolism.5

Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, is responsible for moving blood sugar into the cells, where it is converted into energy. Obesity, particularly visceral, is one of the factors that cause a condition called “insulin resistance” wherein the body fails to respond to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar. The pancreas pump more insulin to move the glucose into the cells and ultimately gives in, losing its capacity to compensate for the increased insulin levels in the blood. The result? Increased blood sugar levels and diabetes.6

Knee And Joint Alert

Excess weight is like excess baggage, causing the joints and especially the knees a world of pain. Osteoarthritis, a condition where the cartilage underlying the knee degenerates, is closely associated with obesity. Even a slight reduction in weight improves the flexibility and mobility of joints to a great extent.7

Maternal Risks

Obesity in women increases the chances of miscarriage and pregnancy complications like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. And the trouble doesn’t end there. The fetus is also at risk of stillbirth and congenital abnormalities. Maternal obesity also increases the possibility of the baby developing health complications later on in life.8

Mental Dilemmas

Obesity is strongly linked to poor mental health especially in women and adolescents, triggering depression, social stigmatization, distorted self-image, low self-esteem, and eating disorders. Obese individuals often face discrimination and harassment, and these negatively affect their view of the world. Feelings of guilt and worthlessness can translate into distress eating – and what follows is a vicious cycle.9

The Fat to Fit Fight

With the glaring statistics on adult as well as childhood obesity across the globe, the obesity epidemic needs to be fought head on. Regular exercise and healthy food choices can help achieve and maintain a normal BMI. So shed those extra pounds and add quality years to your life!

Thursday, 22 September 2016 12:00

Get Rid Of Acne Breakout And Scars Naturally?

Some of us suffer from acne breakouts and especially the scars they leave behind. There are several treatments and creams available in the market, which can however be quite expensive. And, sometimes they leave my skin looking dry and dull! So, I came across these natural remedies to counter acne and acne scars. Have a look and share any natural remedies that have worked for you as well.

1. Aloe Vera: 

Aloe Vera reduces inflammation and any redness in the skin. It’s great at soothing and calming the skin. Apply aloe gel using the fingers. And, if you can get fresh aloe from a plant, it’s even better for your skin!

2. Egg whites:

Egg whites draw impurities from your skin, minimize pores and reduce oil. They leave you with a radiant glow and healthy glowing skin. To use, separate the egg whites and use a cotton ball to apply to the skin. Leave it for about 15 minutes to half an hour and rinse.

3. Ice cubes:

Ice cubes are great at reducing inflammation, closing the pores and keeping your skin clean. Have a look at the article on skin icing that states the numerous benefits it offers.

4. Well-balanced diet:

We area ll aware of the fact that the skin reflects what you eat. So, this is the most important tip to maintain glowing and healthy skin. Ensure you have a healthy and a well balanced diet.

5. Sufficient water:

You need to keep yourself well hydrated for healthy and glowing skin. Follow the rule: drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day without fail.

Thursday, 22 September 2016 10:45

Treat Appendicitis Naturally

Appendicitis can strike without much warning and leave you in excruciating pain. This swelling of the appendix is often spotted too late, requiring antibiotics and even surgical removal of this vestigial organ. However, you can use natural therapy to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the problem of an inflamed appendix.

Why Does Your Appendix Get Inflamed?

The jury is still out on what exactly causes appendicitis. The little finger-sized organ can sometimes get blocked when fecal matter or food gets stuck in it, causing inflammation and infection. The other reason you could develop appendicitis is if you have a swollen lymph node in the bowel walls as a result of an infection of the upper respiratory tract.1 It could also be the result of inflammatory bowel disease, a gastrointestinal tract infection, parasitic growths in the appendix, or abdominal trauma.

Can Appendicitis Be Treated Naturally?

Appendicitis is usually quite severe and, in most cases, immediate surgical intervention is called for. Because this is not a critical organ, removing this heavily inflamed and infected appendix is often the first line of treatment. As the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases explains, not treating it swiftly can cause fever, nausea, an abscess, and peritonitis due to infection from a burst appendix, which then spreads to your abdomen and can become life threatening.2

Natural therapy can be used mainly in a supportive capacity to ease associated symptoms rather than as a cure or treatment once appendicitis has already set in. While there is no solid clinical data to back certain diets or lifestyle changes to prevent appendicitis, you can prevent some of the possible causes like inflammatory bowel disease with natural remedies.

Symptoms Of Appendicitis

  • Abdominal pain in the center of your stomach that appears and goes away by turn
  • Pain that becomes more intense in a matter of hours and doesn’t go away
  • Pain on the lower right side of your abdomen
  • Pain that is aggravated by walking
  • The abdominal area becomes sensitive to touch and is painful when pressed
  • Coughing can make the area hurt more
  • Loss of appetite or nausea
  • Constipation, and in some individuals, diarrhea
  • Low-grade fever
  • Problems with passing gas
  • Swelling in the abdominal area

Your first step must be to seek medical help if you experience symptoms of appendicitis. Natural therapy can be used to help with healing or to ease pain and swelling after, but not in lieu of urgent medical care. That’s because some pain alleviation methods may cause an inflamed appendix to rupture, complicating things further.

Managing Pain With Alternative Therapy

Meditation can be a simple yet effective way to overcome the pain associated with appendicitis and the surgery thereafter. As one study of subjects undergoing abdominal surgery found, practicing meditation and jaw relaxation techniques helped significantly lower the subjective measures of pain as well as anxiety.4 However, it is worth noting that while subjective responses or the people’s perception of pain went down, the physiological responses were not significantly different as a result of the meditation. As such, meditation may have more of a psychological effect on easing pain than a physical one.

Acupuncture offers another avenue for postoperative pain management in the case of an appendectomy. It first made waves in the mainstream media in the West in the context of an appendectomy back in the 1970s. On President Nixon’s tour of China, a reporter suffering from gas pains linked to appendicitis found tremendous relief from acupuncture.5 Forty-five years on, today, one ongoing trial is looking specifically at the benefits of electroacupuncture in improving gastrointestinal motility recovery and in limiting the pain experienced in the aftermath of a laparoscopic surgery. With such alternatives gaining ground, you may no longer have to rely solely on pain killers that can be potentially addictive, to ease the pain after surgery.6

Ayurveda And Appendicitis

According to Ayurveda, appendicitis is a vrana-shotha or an inflammatory condition that causes swelling. Calcium and protein rich yogurt, which is also a probiotic, is considered a good food if you have appendicitis.7

One way to reduce the chances of developing blockages is to consume foods that help the body rid itself of toxins and which keep bowel movements regular. Consuming water in which fenugreek seeds have been boiled is one such Ayurvedic remedy. Fenugreek seeds have been found to help in the case of inflammatory bowel disease.8 The steroidal saponins in the seeds are believed to influence the body’s inflammatory response. They prevent waste accumulation and help the body get rid of excess mucus.9 Turmeric is another anti-inflammatory whose use in Ayurveda is renowned. The active constituent curcumin helps to boost the body’s immune response while also easing swelling from inflammation, and thereby easing pain. It is also indicated in the case of gastric trouble and may, therefore, be helpful in dealing with overall healing related to an inflamed appendix as well.10

Eating Right

While there is no consensus on a preventive diet for appendicitis, statistics seems to favor those who have a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables with plenty of fiber. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), consuming a diet low in dietary fiber and high in refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of developing appendicitis. Getting in large amounts of fiber can help lower fecal viscosity and increase the velocity of “stool transit time,” both of which can help reduce the chance of an obstruction developing in the appendix.11 Staying hydrated is also important, making water intake an important part of good gut health.

To improve overall immunity, consume foods rich in essential nutrients. If you are prone to respiratory infections, especially in months where seasonal variations in temperature can result in infections, it is a good idea to up your intake of vitamin C through lemons and other citrus fruit. Vitamin C has been found to help boost immunity and ward off colds and flu.12

High blood pressure can be caused by high level of stress over a period of time. This is the biggest contributor when compared to other causes like inactivity or lack of exercise, eating unhealthy/processed foods, consuming excess salt, alcohol, tobacco and coffee. Regular consumption of supplements or unprescribed drugs also trigger stress in certain cases.

Understanding blood pressure

The heart pumps blood to the entire body and is responsible for circulation. Blood which is utilized, comes back to the heart. It gets oxygenated and is pumped to various parts of the body through all the blood vessels. So the heart actually is a pump in its true sense. However, it is a pump, which never stops working till you are dead. The blood is pushed through the blood vessels by the pump. The strength of the pressure exerted on the sides of these vessels is called blood pressure. When the blood is pushed out to the body, there is pressure which expands the vessels. This is followed by contraction of the vessels when the blood is not pushed through.

There is therefore, a constant pulsating of the pump (heart). When the heart squeezes or contracts, it pushes out blood to the body with force. This is the systolic blood pressure and is the higher number. When the heart relaxes, blood rushes in. At this stage, the blood vessels are more relaxed. This is known as the diastolic blood pressure.

Idle Blood Pressure

The benchmark for blood pressure for an average, healthy young adult is 120/80. This varies based on age and basic constitution. If you are in the adolescent years, this could be a little higher due to higher hormonal as well as physical activities. If you are also much older with no other health problems, then even a pressure of up to 145 / 95 is fine.

A person is said to be pre-hypertensive when the arterial pressure consistently remains above 140/90 for two to three months. This phase could be temporary and can be managed through lifestyle changes and managing stress. If this phase continues and there is no reduction, then the individual may be put on medication. If the blood pressure remains at these levels even after light medication and lifestyle changes, the person is diagnosed has having clinical or chronic high blood pressure.

Today, it is estimated that a large part of the population is pre-hypertensive, even though they do not have clinical blood pressure. Even children below the age of twelve are getting high blood pressure in increasing numbers.

What causes high blood pressure?


High levels of prolonged stress over a period of time, causes blood pressure to rise; and stay there. This is the biggest contributor to high blood pressure. Today we are all stressed about something or the other. Recent WHO studies have indicated that an estimated ninty percent of the World’s population is facing actual, clinical stress. Even children are stressed about academics, career, parental pressure and peer pressure. It is estimated that almost ten percent of the world’s children have hypertension.


We have all become physically inactive. Children no longer want to play and parents encourage them to sit at home. We give tablets and play consoles to children so they become physically inactive. We also work more at the work station and do not take any time for even walking. We have also stopped doing housework, thanks to ready-made food options and gadgets at home. Lack of exercise makes the arteries less elastic leading to high blood pressure.


We all have the wrong kind of food. Most of our food is packaged, pre-prepared, preserved and processed food, junk food, outside food or takeaways. All such food is very unhealthy even though they may be labelled otherwise. All food from a package of any kind is not good.

Further, we have very high amounts of preservatives, refined flour, oil and cheese. All of these are heavy and cause immense pressure on the body.


Salt is the biggest culprit. Everything we eat has natural salt. All junk food, fried, packaged and hidden food has a lot of salt. Even so called health food and salads from outside have a lot of salt. It is estimated that without realizing, we consume three to four times the maximum recommended sodium intake.


Alcohol consumption is considered to be normal and on the rise. Apart from its properties which cause fat retention, diabetes, liver and cardiac problems, alcohol consumption also increases blood pressure.


Use of any kind of tobacco products; whether cigarettes, cigars, beedis or chewable tobacco and snuff, all cause high blood pressure.


Coffee consumption is increasing rapidly across the world. Coffee is a slow and silent killer. In fact, it is as damaging as alcohol and tobacco. It disturbs the body’s metabolism completely and causes high physiological stress. Do not be too surprised if you get hypertension even though you eat well, exercise and are apparently fit. It could be because you have more than two small cups of coffee in a day.

Supplements and Neutraceuticals

We have all started consuming supplements, herbs and neutraceuticals without understanding the damage they can do. All of these are medicines and have to be taken under guidance from a doctor or ayurveda doctor. These products cause extra pressure and work load on the heart, increasing blood pressure. One such example is green tea. Even though it is good for health, having a couple of cups in a day is fine. If you start having more than three small cups, it will actually cause the heart to beat faster.


The causes of high blood pressure are stress, high levels of competition, lack of exercise, bad eating habits, excess salt retention, emotional problems, obesity, having alcohol, use of tobacco products, coffee, processed and junk food, high intake of salt and sugar and indiscriminate use of supplements.

However, it is not as bleak as it sounds. Blood pressure can be prevented, reduced or managed through healthy eating, sleeping well, relaxation and Yoga.

Thursday, 22 September 2016 08:42

How You Can Deal With Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence can severely interfere with your day-to-day activities. But you're not alone in this battle of the bladder. Urinary incontinence is a common condition affecting millions. It occurs mainly when the urinary sphincter, the muscle that facilitates the voluntary exit of urine, is either weakened or completely damaged, causing the urine to flow involuntarily. The severity of the leakage can range from a mild dribble to a full release of the bladder's contents. However, with simple lifestyle changes, exercises, and natural remedies, you can confidently manage your condition.

Who Is At Risk And Why?

Urinary incontinence can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. However, women are twice as likely to have urinary incontinence than men.2 Also known as enuresis, it can occur due to genetics, anxiety, or structural abnormalities in the bladder or urethra. Because of the physiological changes associated with aging, older people are also at a higher risk.

Patients with neurological diseases like Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis are more susceptible to urinary incontinence. Certain types of cancer may cause incontinence, particularly those in the pelvic region (like prostate, bladder, or colorectal cancer), brain or spinal cord (which affects the nerves), or cervix or breast (which impact reproductive organs and hormones). Cancer treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy can also increase the risk.3

Medications such as diuretics, sedatives, and antidepressants can trigger the condition, and so can vitamins B and C if taken excessively. Even some lifestyle choices may lead to incontinence, including smoking and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or artificial sweeteners.4

What Are The Most Common Types?

There are a few different types of urinary incontinence due to varying factors, including physical pressure, damaged nerves and muscles, and other conditions or disabilities.
Stress Incontinence

Physical pressure exerted on the pelvis by activities like sneezing, coughing, exercising, or laughing can result in urine leakage. This is the most common type of urinary incontinence, and more prevalent in women who have gone through childbirth, because it weakens the pelvic floor muscles. One study shows that women with four or more babies are at an increased risk.5 Obesity, especially excess weight around the middle, can strain pelvic muscles, while medications such as alpha blockers and ACE inhibitors also pose the risk of stress incontinence.6

Urge Incontinence

Due to damaged nerves and muscles in the bladder, a person may have a strong urge to urinate, so much so that they may not be able to hold it in time to reach a bathroom. Neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and spinal injury affect the nerves that signal proper urination.

Overflow Incontinence

Common in older men, this type of incontinence happens when the bladder never fully empties and thus leaks constantly. It may be due to the inability of the bladder muscles to squeeze properly or because obstructions like kidney stones or constipation block the urethra, the tube that removes urine from the bladder.

Functional Incontinence

Certain conditions or disabilities (like dementia, arthritis, or using a wheelchair) can make it difficult for a person to reach the bathroom in time.

Mixed Incontinence

This includes a combination of stress and urge incontinence and is most common in women. In menopausal women, the lining of urethra thins as a result of the drop in estrogen levels, leading to involuntary urine leakage.7 Weakened pelvic floor muscles and reduced bladder capacity lead to mixed incontinence in older people as well. Men who have had pelvic fractures or prostrate surgeries suffer from this due to damage to the urinary sphincter.

How Is It Typically Treated?

Urinary incontinence can be treated right at home, with lifestyle modifications, exercises, and bladder training. Keeping a diary of your bathroom habits is a good first step. You can control the number of leaks and the urge to go by scheduling bathroom trips and adjusting fluid intake. Kegel or pelvic floor exercises are advised for controlling stress and urge incontinence since they strengthen the urinary sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. Research shows these exercises to be effective, especially when used with biofeedback, an instrument that electronically monitors bodily functions. This enables better physiological awareness and control of your bladder function.8 Significant lifestyle changes, like losing weight, quitting smoking, and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine, can also improve your control of your bladder.

If you find your condition interfering with your lifestyle, your doctor may prescribe drugs or some medical devices such as vaginal cones to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. For some women, a urethral insert is recommended. This is a medical device resembling a tampon that is placed in the vagina before doing strenuous work. Pessary, a stiff ring, is also used inside the vagina to prevent leakage. Sometimes, electrodes are placed in the vagina or rectum to stimulate and strengthen muscles. If your incontinence is immune to other treatments, your doctor may consider options for surgery.

Remember, incontinence itself is not dangerous, but it can be a symptom of a serious illness like cancer.9 Your doctor may use blood tests, urinalysis, ultrasound, and cystoscopy to rule out other possible illnesses.

Try The Alternative Way

Research shows that some alternative treatments like acupuncture, Ayurveda, hypnotherapy, yoga, and herbal remedies can help treat urinary incontinence.


Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system, encouraging the production of neurotransmitters and thereby regulating normal bladder function.10 It also improves bladder capacity and assists in relieving stress and urge incontinence.11


One study has found that regular yoga therapy substantially reduced stress incontinence. Common yoga poses like Chair Pose (Utkatasana), Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), and Squat Pose (Malasana) were found to help people with urinary incontinence.12 Meditation also helps lower stress, which can be invaluable for those suffering from anxiety and depression due to their leaky bladders.


A recent study shows that extracts from the seeds of cucurbita maxima, a type of pumpkin, can treat an overactive bladder.13 While the mechanisms involved need further study, sitosterols found in the seed oil are thought to play a role in alleviating urinary tract disorders.14 Ayurvedic regimens such as dinacharya (daily regimen), _panchakarma (detoxification therapy), and _rasayana (rejuvenation) can also assist in managing the root cause of incontinence linked to conditions like arthritis, dementia, obesity, and diabetes.15

Herbal Remedies

Herbs like gosha-jinki-gan, hachi-mi-jio-gan, buchu, cornsilk, cleavers, and horsetail are currently being studied to test their potential to treat incontinence.16


Hypnotherapy may not help incontinence directly but assists in dealing with the psychological and emotional distress associated with it, thus modifying behavior and alleviating symptoms


Having urinary incontinence is undeniably stressful. And while it may be embarrassing to talk to your doctor about your bathroom habits, it is vital to seek treatment if you want to improve your quality of life. Just remember, it’s possible to manage the condition.

Thursday, 22 September 2016 08:22

How Does The Body React To Lack Of Sleep?

Adults (aged 26-64 years) need at least 7-9 hrs of sleep daily. Sleep deprivation of 18-24 hrs slows down mental and physical responses, and impairs cognition. Not sleeping for more than 48 hrs sleep reduces the number of NK cells of the immune system and spikes BP. Pushing the limit even further induces hallucinations, pain, tremors, glucose intolerance, and disruption of senses. Lack of sleep is associated with dipping alertness, weakening cognitive performance, decreased brain function and activity, and poor attention. This can lower productivity at the workplace, endanger your well-being, and even become a safety hazard.

How Much Should You Sleep?

Going by the National Sleep Foundation’s recommendations for an adult between 26 and 64 years, 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day is a good goal. That said, you could get away with 6 hours of sleep, but no less. The average person needs to get some sleep every 17-18 hours. Any longer without sleep and your body starts to show signs of sleep deprivation.1

The Progressive Decline

To understand the ramifications of staying up that little bit longer, take a look at what happens to your body with each progressive hour of sleep lost.

18–24 hours

This kind of sleep deprivation is fairly common in some professions and even among single parents or working parents who are also primary caregivers for their family.

Sleep deprivation causes a decline in vigilant attention. Your responses slow down, you tend to make errors, and you take longer to do tasks.2

According to one study, subjects who had gone 17 to 19 hours without any sleep showed performance on tests not unlike those with blood alcohol levels of 0.05 percent. These sleep-deprived individuals responded as much as 50 percent slower on some tests. Their accuracy of responses also took a hit and was significantly worse than what is associated with people with blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.05 percent. As the hours without sleep increased, the performance was closer to those with BAC of 0.1 percent.3 The researchers concluded that sleep is a biological necessity to ensure normal brain function, keep you alert, and maintain normal cognitive performance.4

48 hours

This kind of extended sleep deprivation is not usual for the average person. Those in emergency services or military forces, for instance, may have to go a few days without sleep.

Longer periods of sleep deprivation are believed to impact the immune profile of the body, making you more susceptible to diseases. One study investigated this premise in subjects who went 48 hours without sleep. The body’s natural killer cells (a type of lymphocyte or white blood cell) that are a core part of the human immune system were found to be much lower. This decrease with 48 hours of sleep deprivation could be reversed when subjects went through recovery sleep. However, if this level of sleep loss is sustained for longer spells, it could have a bearing on the body’s ability to fight tumors and viruses

With this kind of sleep deprivation, blood pressure and heart rate also rise, putting you at greater risk of a stroke. As one study showed, sleep deprivation causes the body’s diastolic blood pressure to increase and interfere with the autonomic nervous system’s regulation of the cardiovascular system.6

Your body tries to compensate by indulging in microsleeps where it effectively “shuts down” for spells of up to a thirty seconds. After each microsleep you return to reality a bit disoriented. This is potentially dangerous if you are driving, handling heavy machinery or hazardous materials, or are in a job that puts people’s lives in your hands. It is impossible to avoid these microsleeps that occur on their own and cannot be consciously overridden by willpower or otherwise.7

72 hours

As time progresses, you will see issues with higher mental processes. Motivation becomes a challenge for many. Perception also gets hampered. Hallucinations are also experienced by some people after staying up three days. Others may create false memories in their minds. Your senses (smell, sight, and even touch) get impacted adversely. Tremors and physical aches and pains also start to set in. And all this in addition to the signs you would have seen after earlier stages of sleep deprivation!8

How Far Can You Push It?

Chronic deprivation messes with the glucose metabolism of the body. Getting under 6.5 hours of sleep every night on a sustained basis could cause your glucose tolerance to drop by 40 percent. Poor glucose tolerance puts you at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Those with total sleep deprivation fare even worse as the glucose secretion pattern changes completely compared to those experiencing normal nocturnal sleep.9

Deprivation also decreases energy expenditure and interferes with your appetite. Researchers found that people experiencing a regular lack of sleep have a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who get their complete recommended rest. Inadequate sleep causes changes to levels of hormones responsible for controlling hunger. Appetite-reducing leptin levels dropped, and appetite-stimulant ghrelin levels were higher in those who got less sleep. Losing that sleep may actually cause you to crave calorie-rich foods, sweets, carbs, and starchy food, putting you at risk of obesity.10

Sleep deprivation on an ongoing basis can result in long-term ailments and metabolic disorders, costing you time, money, and your health. It may be well worth reorganizing your life so you don’t miss out on this vital restorative time for your body.



Wednesday, 21 September 2016 12:30

Veg Foods That Can Increase Your Sexual Stamina

Eating the right foods can enhance passion and increase sexual stamina for both men and women. There are many medications that can get you through a good night in the bedroom and increase your stamina in bed, but it takes the right diet to get you through the rest of your life, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. increase sexual stamina and keep your body healthy and energetic  with the following foods.

1. Citrus Fruits

Men who eat more citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges can improve their sperm count and motility. Citrus fruits can boost bedtime performance due to its vast Vitamin C contents to improve better sperm health in men and to help infertility chances in both men and women. With its product of antioxidants, men and women can enjoy mental focus, improved mood, and decreases stress for better erections.

2. Brown Rice

Brown rice is another sex enhancing food that contains many compounds that are beneficial for the whole body, including manganese that helps control the nervous system for better penile erections and a healthy reproductive system.

3. Apples

Adam and Eve found out that apples contain Phenylethylamine which gives men and women a natural feeling of excitement and arousal. When you want to have good sex, eat apples that are rich in nutrients need by the penile area, testicles, prostate glands, veins and arteries, in opening up a healthy blood flow to help achieve and maintain an erection.

4.Soya Beans

Soya beans are the super heroes of super foods. It contains a plant hormone called “Genistein,” which boosts the production of collagen and is helpful in women going through menopause. Genistein helps to boost estrogen levels and keeps the skin looking youthful.

5. Maca

Maca is an herbal root that is akin to the radish family and it is a Viagra favored plant in South America. Maca is well renowned as an aphrodisiac for healthy sex drives and performance. It is highly rich in Vitamin B which also increases the body’s energy levels and is a stress relieving plant.

6. Dry Fruits

Dry fruits have been proven to be effective in helping sexual impotency. Daily consumption of dry fruit varieties, help to increase sexual stamina.

7. Pumpkin

In the form of pumpkin seeds, this zinc laden food product is important in the production of testosterone levels and improved sexual desires in men and women. Pumpkin seeds are rich in the health fatty acid known as omega 3, which acts like a hormone substance in sexual health conditions like sexual drive and fertility.

8. Corn

Yes, corn is a starch vegetable, which is high in fiber and has many benefits to the human body. One of its many components is the mineral, manganese. Manganese stabilizes our blood sugar levels, breaks down carbs and fat for increased stamina and energy. It also strengthens the tissue system throughout our bodies, including the tissues of our sexual organs.

9. Red Grapes

Nature’s red grapes are the immune system’s cheerleader. The red grapes contain a chemical compound called “stilbenoids” and “resveratrol,” which are heart healthy solutions to help stave off heart attacks, strokes, and provides lots of energy for increased sexual stamina. Eating a hand full of red grapes equips you with bountiful minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, all of which gives men and women longer lasting stamina for life’s daily routines and especially in the boudoir.

10. Oatmeal

Having a bowl of oatmeal for men is like having a spoonful of Viagra. Oatmeal helps penile muscles to relax, allowing a healthy blood flow into the penis. It also boosts testosterone levels in the bloodstream and its helps to strengthen sex drives and orgasms in both men and women. Oats alone contain L-arginine, which is an amino acid that has been used to treat erectile dysfunction.

11. Coffee

Coffee houses are going to love the fact that coffee is sexually beneficial. Caffeinated coffee is a stimulate but for the right body parts. It helps to enhance sexual arousal if consumed in moderate amounts. Many athletes are encouraged to consume caffeinated coffee before they workout because it boosts their cardio system allowing them to burn more calories. When men and women drink a cup before sex, their performance can also produce the same results.

12. Beans

Beans are naturally pure protein. Protein helps to build the body’s muscle system and they are good for the heart, especially kidney, garbanzos, black beans, and navy beans. They are rich in potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which helps to increase sexual stamina and energy for longer lasting sexual performance. People who consume more beans, are healthier and they don’t have a weight problem.

13. Banana

Bananas are good for sexual health.They naturally imbued with B vitamins that increases our stamina levels and helps to de-stress us. Bananas also contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid needed to produce serotonin, which is called the ‘feel good’ hormones. Bananas are high in potassium, used to produce sex hormones, increase our sex drive, and improve our heart system. They also contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps to improve the body’s blood flow and increase low libido problems.

14. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is rich in monounsaturated fats, which boosts dopamine levels. Dopamine is the responsible chemical compound that increases a woman’s sexual emotions. Peanuts also are high in zinc which has been proven scientifically to increase a man’s sperm count and the sperm’s motility.

15. Beetroot Juice

Beetroot is high in nitrates, which is changed to nitrites, by bacterial anaerobes when it lands on our tongue. Beetroot juice is one of the world’s “super foods,” because of its many benefits for the human body, including increasing sexual stamina. The juice richly increased the red blood cells to enable more energy production and oxygen, to be circulated throughout the body, especially to the sexual organs for better erections and orgasms.