J.N. Ssekazinga
Friday, 23 September 2016 12:25

Truth About Sex After Pregnancy

Things were going along just fine in the sex department until you got pregnant and, nine months later, out popped a wailing newborn. Body changes, family changes and new responsibilities can sometimes make post-baby sex more challenging, but what’s normal? Here, check out few truth about sex after pregnancy:

1. Your sex drive revs back up around six weeks after giving birth.

False: While most doctors give women the all-clear for sex six weeks after childbirth, not all women are raring to go. And according to many experts, it can take a woman months, even an entire year to regain her sex drive. Many women associate sex with performing just another chore, having to be touched becomes just another sacrifice on her part. So, when he touches her, whether he wants sex or not, her body immediately shuts down.” The solution? Make time for no-pressure intimacy, like cuddling on the couch together after the baby is asleep, that doesn’t necessarily end in sex.

2. You probably won’t snap back into shape right away, and your faltering body image might make you shy away from sex.

True: We see so many images of celebrities sporting bikinis and baring their toned, taut bodies right after giving birth. “The reality is that most new moms’ bodies don’t look like that—and most new moms don’t have celebrity bank accounts for trainers and designer diets.” “Treat yourself with kindness and compassion as you heal and adjust to your new life as a parent. The truth is that women are much harder on themselves about their post-childbirth bodies than their partners are. Of the husbands and partners we surveyed, most said that their biggest concern was that their wives didn’t feel more confident about their bodies.”

3.Your husband is counting down the minutes until you’re cleared to have sex again.

False: Whether it’s because of a C-section, a bad tear or other complications, there’s usually a period of time when sex is out of the question after the birth of a baby, and it’s easy for a woman to feel as though her husband is getting impatient—especially after nine long months of pregnancy when you may not have had as much sex as you used to. Even if you aren’t ready to have sex just yet, a hug or some snuggling can go a long way in the intimacy department.

4. Your vagina may never be the same again.

True: It’s something none of us really wants to hear, but after childbirth, many women have looser vaginas. But if you’re worried about this affecting your sex life, don’t. “Yes, the vaginal tissue does expand from childbirth, but it’s very pliable.” your anatomy should return to its normal shape in the months following delivery. However, if you feel that something isn’t quite right—pressure, a continued feeling of “looseness” or pain during intercourse—it could be a sign of a pelvic organ prolapse and it’s something you should talk to your doctor

5. Breastfeeding makes you feel sexier.

False: Your breasts swell and may increase several sizes after having a baby, so it stands to reason that you’d feel sexier with your curvier, perkier breasts, right? But the truth is, while breastfeeding is great for the health of your baby, it’s probably not going to do much for your sex life. The breastfeeding hormone prolactin inhibits the release of estrogen, the hormone that gives women libido. “Breastfeeding moms can lose interest in sex and experience vaginal dryness. Some breastfeeding moms also describe a feeling of being ‘touched out.’ When you have a baby on the boob all day and you’re pumping breast milk, you might get turned off when your partner wants to touch them.”


6. Sex may hurt at first, but it shouldn’t hurt that badly.

True: Even if you had a normal birth experience, with minimal trauma, you can expect a bit of pain the first time you have sex again. Your vagina will be tender and natural dryness can amplify things. What’s not normal, however, is pain that doesn’t subside with a little lubrication or time. “Scar tissue from a tear or episiotomy can result in painful intercourse Scar tissue results in the ‘pinchy’ sensation that many women feel during intercourse after having a baby. Bottom line: If the pain doesn’t feel normal, give your body a little more time to heal and make an appointment to see your doctor.

7. Your husband may develop the “Oh-No-I’m-Married-to-a-Mother” syndrome.

True: He’s overjoyed to meet his new baby and is so in love with you, so wait, why is he suddenly shying away from sex? “Some men are raised to believe that mothers are placed in a separate category.  You’re a mother now, and while it can be a turn-on for some men, for others it’s not.  If you fear that your husband is shying away from sex because he sees you in a different light, talk to him about it. “You have to remind (and show) him that you’re still the same sexy woman that you were before the baby. You may be someone’s mother now, but you’re still his lover.”

8. If you need lubricant, something is wrong with you. 

False: Every woman has heard the “frigid” rumors—that vaginal dryness means you’re closed up, disinterested in lovemaking and not sexy. Wrong! “You may be very turned on, but still very dry.” There is nothing wrong. The postpartum period is a very dry period due to hormonal changes.” The remedy? Lots of lubrication. “This is a good time to experiment and find your favorite lube.”

Friday, 23 September 2016 12:18

Natural Ways To Prevent Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fifth-leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women after cancers of the lung, breast, colon, and pancreas. Ovarian cancer tends to be aggressive and generally has very few symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Several natural remedies that have proven to be useful in both preventing and curing ovarian cancer are as follows:

Green Tea

Drinking two cups per day of green tea can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by half. Scientists believe the high level of antioxidants found in green tea is responsible for the results. Not only do these powerful phytonutrients help prevent and repair DNA damage but they also hinder the growth and spread of cancer cells by increasing apoptosis.


Lignans found in flaxseed are considered phytoestrogens. These compounds ‘plug’ into estrogen receptors, blocking stronger forms of the hormone which aggravate ovarian cancer. Flaxseed lignans also act as an antioxidant.


Moderate physical activity may help women lower their chances of developing ovarian cancer, as exercising enhances the immune and antioxidant systems, and lowers the risk of obesity.


Research has shown that herbs have a strong action against cancer and they have been used with many cancers, especially ovarian cancer. Herbs in Ayurveda that help in case of ovarian cancer are Ginkgo biloba, Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Giloy (Guduchi), Mukul (Guggul), Saraka indica (Ashoka) and Symplocus racemosa (Lodhra).


Diet is extremely influential in preventing as well as healing ovarian cancer. Women who eat plenty of vegetables, particularly carrots, tomatoes and other foods high in carotene and lycopene may reduce their risk.


Ginger root is an outstanding food for fighting against ovarian cancer cells. Ginger destroys ovarian cancer cells in two ways. First by a process of cellular self-destruction called apoptosis then by autophagy where the cells digest themselves. Ginger root also controls inflammation which is a precursor to ovarian cancer.

Friday, 23 September 2016 12:10

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor

Primary brain tumors can be either malignant (contain cancer cells) or benign (do not contain cancer cells). We are going to discuss the early warning symptoms of brain tumor. However, sometimes you may not experience these symptoms of brain tumor or might experience it under another medical condition. It is advisable to see a doctor if you experience any of these signs of brain tumor

Signs And Brain Tumor Symptoms

  • You might experience headaches which may increase with activity or even worsen early morning.
  • Motor Seizures or convulsions. These are the sudden involuntary movement of the muscles. Seizures can be myclonic or tonic-clonic.
  • You may experience single or multiple muscle twitches, jerks, spasms, loss of control of body functions, loss of consciousness followed by contractions, change in colour, change in sensation, vision, smell, and/or hearing without losing consciousness, nausea or vomiting and fatigue.

Symptoms Specific To The Location Of A Brain Tumor

  • Pressure or headache at the location near the tumor.
  • Difficulty with fine motor skills is linked with a tumor in the cerebellum.
  • If you feel sluggishness, changes in judgement, muscle weakness or paralysis the tumor is located in the frontal lobe of the cerebellum.
  • Changes in speech or difficulty in retrieving words can be linked to a tumor in the frontal and temporal lobe of cerebrum.
  • Arm or leg weakness on one side of the body, or confusion with left and right sides of the body are linked to a tumor in the frontal or parietal lobe of the cerebrum.
  • Difficulty swallowing, facial weakness or numbness, or double vision is a symptom of a tumor in the brain stem.

You may also experience vision changes, loss of a part of vision, or double vision in some cases. If you even slightly experience one of more symptoms, it is advisable to have a word with your doctor.

Mumps during childhood can lead to infertility among men later on in their lives. Because, mumps in men can cause orchitis, which is an inflation of the testicles, it is a noteworthy disease that shouldn't be ignored during childhood. Other diseases that can cause infertility include pituitary gland dysfunction, Testicular/Ovarian Cancer and diabetes.

However, when these or one of them fail, complications arise. One such complication can possibly be infertility among men,there are hardly few childhood diseases that affect the fertility among men.

Can Mumps Affect Male Fertility

It may sound impossible but mumps during childhood can lead to infertility among men later on in their lives. The reason that the potential for infertility is there is because childhood diseases occur during the developing years. Because, mumps in men can cause orchitis, which is an inflation of the testicles, it is a noteworthy disease that should be not ignored during childhood. Reports online suggest that in some instances, mumps lead to male infertility due to the lack of function of one or both testicles.

Other Diseases

However, apart from the childhood mumps, there are several other diseases that are responsible for the infertility among both men and women. Among many, infertility can be caused by diseases of the pituitary gland, Cancer of the Human Reproductive Organs (Testicular and Ovarian Cancer).

Friday, 23 September 2016 11:46

Proper Nutrition Reduces Risk Of Cancer

Nutrition plays a very important role not only in the prevention of cancer, but also in its treatment. Scientific evidence shows that nutrition and physical activity are the two most important aspects that can be modified to alter the course of cancer, prevent its occurrence, and stop its progression. A healthy diet does not guarantee a life free from cancer. Other risk factors such as genetics, spirituality, and lifestyle are involved in cancer development.

Cancer And Nutrition

Cancer needs nourishment to grow and it uses the food that a person eats. As a result, many cancer patients suffer from malnutrition. In fact, many die not from cancer directly, but from malnutrition. For this reason, it is generally recommended that the diet consist of 25–30 percent protein, 40–50 percent carbohydrate, and 20 percent fat.

A guideline for an appropriate caloric intake is 16–18 calories per pound of body weight (e.g., a 150 lb person would eat 2400–2700 calories daily). Eat small, frequent meals and chew food thoroughly.

Eat Fresh, Whole Foods

Consume unrefined, unprocessed, and hormone-free foods. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soy, beans (legumes), cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and mackerel), olive oil, green tea, garlic, onions, yams, tomatoes, shitake mushrooms, almonds, ginger, curry, nonfat yogurt, seaweed, and fiber. Eating organic food helps reduce exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and hormones, which may increase cancer risk.

Avoid Sugar

Cut back on sugar, dairy products, refined foods, fried foods, junk foods, caffeine, alcohol, nitrates, and food coloring. Limit high-fat (e.g., saturated and trans fats) foods, particularly meat, which has been implicated in colon, rectal, prostate, and endometrial cancers.

Eliminate Food Sensitivities

Use an elimination and challenge diet to determine food sensitivities.

Hydrate Often

Drink 50% of body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., a 150 lb person would drink 75 oz of water). Drink spring or distilled water; avoid chlorine and fluoride.

Friday, 23 September 2016 11:37

Threats To Men’s Health Today.

More than the biological factors, the reason men tend to attract these health woes is more psychological. On an average, men visit their doctor far less than women do. Most men tend to relate their ability to ably perform their responsibilities, to their general health and wellness, leaving them at risk of terminal illness by the time they seek medical help.  So let aside your male chauvinism, listen to subtle changes to your health and seek medical guidance when its needed.

There are no surprises on this list because they are so common and rampant considering the lifestyle and stress that men (and to an extent women) go through in today’s hectic fast paced lives:

  1. Heart disease and Stroke: If there is one threat that every man dreads….and rightly so…is cardiovascular disease. Heart disease and stroke are the first and second leading causes of death worldwide, in both men and women. But the occurrence of death is men is higher (and earlier) as men’s arteries develop atherosclerosis earlier than women’s, partly due to the lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL). So men need to be more careful of their diet and exercise and do more to avoid fatality.
  2. Lung Cancer: Tobacco smoke causes 90% of all lung cancers. Even though smoking rates have reduced, but lack of effective screening tests to diagnose lung cancer earlier makes it a lethal disease affecting men. The best preventive and curative recommendation (and a fairly straight forward one) still remains: QUIT Smoking! Check with your medical practitioner on effective ways to help curb, quit and refrain from relapse.
  3. Prostate Cancer: Men have no competition from their partners here. Prostate cancer remains the most common cancer affecting men, with skin cancer coming a close second. Many prostate cancers are slow-growing and unlikely to spread, but lack of initial screening tests make the identification of more fatal and aggressive cancers difficult. Aggressive treatment of relatively harmless cancers can cause problems like impotence. Considering the stigma associated, most men do not bring these issues out of the closet, leading to late detection and increased fatalities.
  4. Depression and Suicide: Though women look more vulnerable to depression strangely it is the men who top this list. The crux of the problem lies in the way men tend to “bottle up” their pent up frustrations, anxieties and fears. These feelings manifest in various other forms like aggressiveness, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. Men are also less likely to seek help for depression. So though women beat men when it comes to attempts at suicide, men are less likely to chicken out and more adept at sticking to their motive. Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death among all men; for young men it’s higher. Seek expert counseling and help to avoid taking the drastic step.
  5. Diabetes: Aptly called the “silent” killer, diabetes doesn’t manifest itself aggressively or suddenly, but more like a parasite eating away without the victim knowing it.  It is more the effect on other vital organs and processes that make it supremely fatal. Heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations are the fallout for thousands of men. A startling statistic: One boy in three, born in this century has a risk of contracting this disease. Obesity and stress are likely feeding the diabetes epidemic. Moderate but continuous exercise, a healthy controlled diet plan and positive outlook to life can help prevent, control and possibly reverse diabetes.
  6. Erectile Dysfunction: Though the least fatal when compared to others, what Erectile Dysfunction (ED) does to men is far more psychological than physical. A lack of interest and depression are fallouts of ED. More importantly ED, mostly caused due to arterial blockages (atherosclerosis), is primarily a tell tale sign of ill health in blood vessels throughout the body.  Ensure that you consult an urologist to diagnose and treat early.
  7. Alcohol Abuse: Studies have proved that men face higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women do. Alcohol consumption increases risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon. Alcohol also interferes with testicular function and hormone production, resulting in impotence and infertility. Keep your intake under limits (if you can’t let go) or best dunk the bottle forever.


Are you a workaholic? Staying cooped up in the office is not unusual today, and many people are now used to a lifestyle that revolves around the workplace. But, be warned: a lot of office workers are also subjecting themselves to simple but potentially harmful habits that may destroy their physical and emotional health.

If you are an office worker, make sure you stay away from these three unhealthy habits.

Skipping Breakfast

Eating breakfast is an essential part of everyday life, but many people, especially office employees who are always rushing to work, often fail to do this. It’s a shame, because studies say that eating breakfast everyday can have positive effects on your:

  • Appetite
  • Energy metabolism
  • Insulin resistance

Skipping breakfast also makes people prone to unhealthy snacking throughout the day. This may have an adverse effect on your weight, since you’ll be eating more foods than your body needs.

It’s important to eat a breakfast before you head for work. But remember, you must make sure that your breakfast choices are as healthy as possible. Stay away from conventional American breakfast foods like waffles, pancakes, cereals, donuts, and bagels that only offer empty calories and too much sugar. Instead, consume a protein-rich breakfast made from organic ingredients. One wonderful choice is a whey protein shake.

Staying Stressed for Long Periods of Time

It’s expected for office employees to experience stress every now and then. Deadlines, bossy bosses, office conflicts, and tons of paperwork can subject workers to an unhealthy amount of stress. Sometimes, this stress becomes chronic, especially if the person fails to address the source.

It’s highly important for you to deal with stressful events inside your workplace. You can do this with simple tactics, such as learning to delegate tasks or creating a schedule. If your stress is caused by conflicts with other employees, confront them and resolve the issue.

If you simply cannot avoid feeling stressed while working, you can also try relaxation tools, like meditating or praying. Another wonderful technique you can try is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses the same energy meridians as those in traditional acupuncture. EFT is said to help treat physical and emotional health issues for many years, but without having to use needles.

The wonderful thing about the Emotional Freedom Technique is that you can do it anytime, anywhere. So whether you’re sitting in your office cubicle or on the train to work, you can practice this simple technique. It’s very helpful in ensuring your optimal emotional health.

Spending Too Much Time on Your Computer Without Taking Breaks

Due to pending deadlines, many office workers often fail to enjoy their break time, opting instead to spend it in front of their office computer. Some even take their lunch in front of the computer or fail to take it at all. While this may not seem harmful at all, it can actually have unhealthy consequences, such as oculomotor fatigue or eye fatigue and muscle strain. Some studies even say that spending too much time sitting in the office may lead to chronic conditions like heart disease, obesity, and depression.

To avoid spending too much time sitting down, make sure you make use of your break time adequately. Stand up, do some easy stretches, or even walk around the office. Also, make sure that you’re using ergonomic office equipment so that you will not put too much strain on your body.

Office work may be fulfilling, but it can be extremely taxing as well. Don’t let your body suffer from all the challenges of the corporate world. Remember these simple tips, so that you can stay healthy and happy as you work your way up the ladder of success.

Friday, 23 September 2016 10:42

Cut Down On Added Sugar To Prevent Diabetes

It can be difficult to know how much sugar we are consuming, since added sugar is hidden in 74% of all processed foods, ranging from bread to salad dressing. The recommended amount is 1 tsp or 4 gms a day. It becomes hazardous to health when women exceed 6 tsp (25 gms), men exceed 9 tsp (38 gms), and children exceed 3 tsp (12 gms) a day.

The Connection Between  Added Sugar Intake And Diabetes

Unlike sugar found naturally in whole foods like fresh fruit, added sugar is any caloric sweetener that is added in food preparation – whether it’s at the table, kitchen or processing plant. It can be difficult to know how much sugar we are consuming, since added sugar is hidden in 74% of all processed foods, ranging from bread to salad dressing. Added sugar masquerades under at least 60 aliases like sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup.

How much added sugar is considered too much?

The recommended amount is 1 teaspoon of added sugar, or 4 grams, per day. Major health impacts occur when women exceed 6 teaspoons (25 grams), men exceed 9 teaspoons (38 grams), and children exceed 3 teaspoons (12 grams) per day.

How much added sugar is in everyday items?

A 12 ounce can of soda has more than 40 grams of sugar (equal to the safe range of sugar consumed over 10 days)
A half cup of ketchup has 16 grams of sugar (equal to the safe range of sugar consumed over 4 days)
A 6-ounce, low-fat fruit yogurt has 21 grams of sugar (equal to the safe range of sugar consumed over 5 days)
An 8 oz bottle of Gatorade has 14 grams of sugar (equal to the safe range of sugar consumed over 3 days)

We often consume many of these sugary items within a day without noting how the sugar overload is causing us to feel.
Sugar Overload Symptoms: Short And Long Term

The metabolism of excess levels of sugar causes most of the same toxic effects as excess alcohol since the liver metabolizes sugar and ethanol (a.k.a., alcohol) the same way.

Short term sugar overload causes symptoms like mood shifts, learning difficulties, poor sleep, hot flashes, decreased energy, bloating, increased urination, abdominal or bladder pain, vision change and flu-like symptoms.

Long term sugar overload causes more than 70 documented adverse effects like increased belly fat, insulin resistance/diabetes, failing liver, kidneys, eyes and thyroid, frequent infections, cancer, dementia, stroke, infertility, developmental delay and poor growth.

Anyone with a typical daily diet consisting of a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal with milk for breakfast, a container of fruit yogurt and a deli sandwich for lunch, a burger with fries and ketchup for dinner, and a bowl of ice cream for dessert is facing catastrophic health trouble. The total daily sugar consumption is sufficient to clog up every organ in the body from functioning properly.

Since the above diet is regularly consumed by Americans on most days, diabetes and corresponding diseases are increasing and intensifying.  Treating these diseases with only pharmaceuticals and other expensive medical interventions is not effectively preventing diabetes complications nor remarkably improving people’s quality of life. As a society, we need to address these issues at the root cause:


Friday, 23 September 2016 10:32

How Running Can Help You Have Better Sex

For those of you who are still doubtful whether to jump on the running bandwagon, here’s one more to that long list of benefits—it makes you last longer and perform better in bed. Yes, it is true, runners have great sex lives. Don’t take our word for it. Here’s proof that running is the best shortcut to a “happy ending.

Running And Sex

Boosts Libido

The first step toward having a good sex life is to have a healthy sex drive or libido. A 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, which studied the effects of exercise on women taking antidepressants that have libido-damaging effects, provides enough proof that running and other aerobic activities can boost sex drive. The study concluded that exercising 30 minutes prior to having sex reduced the effects of the medicines and boosted libido.3

Leads To Increased Levels Of Testosterone

Testosterone levels play a major role in regulating libido in both men and women. It is scientifically proven that those with higher circulating levels of testosterone tend to engage in more sexual activity. In women, testosterone levels increase around and during ovulation, which is when they tend to feel more sexually aroused.4 There is enough and more scientific proof for the fact that running helps boost testosterone levels, which, in turn, translates to better sex. A few studies that found the same are:

  • Researchers from the University of Cambridge’s Division of Biological Anthropology compared the race timings and finger lengths of 542 marathoners.5 Why finger lengths, you may be wondering! Previous research has found that a 2D:4D ratio, or to put it simply, having a longer ring finger as compared with your index finger, indicates high levels of testosterone in the body.6 The study found that there was a significant positive correlation between the race times and the digit lengths, which means that fast endurance runners are not just on top of their running game but perform well in bed as well.7
  • Researchers also found that regular physical exercise (10 or more hours a week) may help increase testosterone in women.8
  • Running for less than two hours has been found to increase levels of testosterone in your body, according to a study at the University of North Carolina. The study, published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, however, warns runners against going overboard as over-training will only lead to a subsequent drop in testosterone levels.9

Enables Faster And More Intense Orgasms

As they say, all is well that ends well. This is particularly true for sex. Running can help reach a satisfying climax. In a study of over 5,500 Finnish women in their 40s and 50s, researchers found a significant positive pattern seen with respect to strenuous exercise and orgasm experiences.10 The Texas study also observed that women who exercised before having sex were aroused more quickly and were able to orgasm faster and more intensely

Improves Self-Image

Self-confidence is key to sexual performance. Running helps deal with body image issues and leaves you appreciating your body and what it can do. It has been proven to increase body confidence and self-image. A 2008 study conducted at Florida Atlantic University found that men and women who exercised frequently were more likely to rate themselves higher in sexual desirability.12 It also found that physical activity like running made women’s bodies more sensitive to touch, while men reported better orgasms and improved sexual function.

Helps Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Estimates suggest that 1 in every 10 men suffers from erectile dysfunction at some point in his life. And, guess what, as running gets your blood flowing at a healthy pace, it also helps alleviate erectile dysfunction.13

Running is, therefore, a good way to boost your sexual performance. But remember to maintain a balance in your regime. Do not go overboard as it might backfire and tire you out.

Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by spasms of the bronchi (the airway tubes); swelling of the mucus lining of the lungs; and excessive production of a thick, viscous mucus. The major concern with asthma is that it can lead to respiratory failure – the inability to breathe.

Signs And Symptoms Of Asthma

Chronic asthma is associated with recurrent shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and excessive production of mucus.

Typically, asthma sufferers have laboratory signs of allergies (increased levels of eosinophils in the blood, increased serum IgE levels, and positive food and/or inhalant allergy tests).

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is typically divided into two major categories: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic, or atopic, asthma is generally considered an allergic condition, characterized by an increase in levels of serum IgE (the allergic antibody).

Intrinsic asthma is associated with a bronchial reaction that is due not to allergy, but rather to such factors as toxic chemicals, cold air, exercise, infection, and emotional upset.

Both extrinsic and intrinsic asthma trigger the release of chemicals like histamine that produce or control inflammation from mast cells (specialized white blood cells that reside in various body tissues, including the lining of the respiratory passages).

Reasons commonly cited include increased stress on the immune system due to greater chemical pollution in the air, water and food; earlier weaning and introduction of solid foods to infants; food additives; and genetic manipulation of plants, resulting in foods with greater allergenic tendencies.

Which Dietary Factors Are Important In Asthma?

There are three important dietary therapies for asthma: elimination of food allergies, following a vegetarian diet, and elimination of food additives.

Elimination Of Food Allergies

Many studies have indicated that food allergies play an important role in asthma. Adverse reactions to food may be immediate or delayed.

Double-blind studies in children have shown that immediate-onset reactions are usually due to (in order of frequency) eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, and peanuts. Foods most commonly associated with delayed-onset reactions include (in order of frequency) milk, chocolate, wheat, citrus, and food colorings.

Elimination diets have been successful in identifying allergens and treating asthma, and are a particularly valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tool in infants.

Elimination of common allergens during infancy (the first two years) has been shown to reduce allergic tendencies in high-risk children (children with a strong familial history).

An even better elimination diet is one that utilizes RevitalX – a high-potency multinutrient meal-replacement formula. This product is specifically engineered to be an excellent source of important nutrients to support the gastrointestinal lining and aid detoxification.

It is an excellent source of a hypoallergenic vegetarian protein, GoldPeptides, along with specific nutritional, probiotic, and herbal support to deal with food allergies.

When used as the key component of an elimination diet, RevitalX is taken twice per day as the primary source of sustenance. RevitalX is combined with water or juice (fresh vegetable juice is preferred), or it can be used in a fruit smoothie.

The RevitalX elimination diet includes one simple meal in the evening: steamed vegetables, lean chicken breast, and brown rice (cooked beans, split peas or lentils along with brown rice can be used as a vegetarian alternative), or a lightly sautéed stir fry. Fresh or steamed vegetables and small amounts of fruit can be eaten if you are hungry.

Following A Vegetarian Diet

A vegan diet may also be helpful for asthma sufferers. In one long-term study, elimination of all animal products (meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products) provided significant improvement in 92 percent of patients.

Elimination Of Food Additives

The elimination of synthetic food additives is vitally important in the control of asthma. Artificial dyes and preservatives are widely used in foods, beverages, and drugs.

The most common coloring agents, preservatives and other food additives have been reported to cause asthma attacks in susceptible individuals.

It is also important to eliminate salt in your diet, as there is strong evidence that increased salt intake increases the severity of asthma, and can even result in death from asthma.

Following A Diet Rich In Antioxidants

Diets high in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenes (especially lycopene), and selenium have also been shown to improve asthma.

Antioxidants are thought to provide important defenses against oxidizing agents in your body that stimulate constriction of the bronchi and increase allergic reactions.

Vitamin C also appears to normalize fatty acid metabolism and reduce the inflammatory histamine production triggered by allergies. Both treated and untreated asthmatic patients have been shown to have significantly lower levels of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in serum and white blood cells.

Vitamin C is found in peppers, berries, citrus fruit, kiwis, and green vegetables from the cabbage family. Wheat germ oil, nuts, seeds, and grains are high in vitamin E.

Which Nutritional Supplements Should I Take For Asthma?

Foundation Supplements

High potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula; Vitamin D3 2,000-5,000 IU/day; Fish oil, EPA+DHA 1,000 to 3,000 mg/day.


Magnesium deficiency plays a major role in many cases of asthma. Magnesium deficiency makes the bronchial airways more prone to spasm. Take 150 to 250 mg three times per day.

Magnesium bound to aspartate, citrate, and malate is preferred to magnesium bound to oxide because of better absorption.

Lung, Bronchial, And Sinus Health Supplements

This category of supplements is designed to provide key nutrients and herbal extracts for healthy airways. For example, it provides N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – a derivative of the naturally occurring amino acid cysteine.

NAC directly splits the sulfur linkages of mucoproteins, thereby reducing viscosity of bronchial and lung secretions. As a result, it improves bronchial and lung function, reduces coughing and improves oxygen saturation in the blood.

Adults and children older than 12 should take one tablet three to four times daily. Children ages 6 to 12 should take one tablet up to three times daily. Lung, Bronchial, and Sinus Health is not recommended for children under age 6 unless recommended by a physician.

Grapeseed Or Pine Bark Extract

It contains flavonoids known as procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs) that have exceptional antioxidant and free radical–scavenging activity. Take 150 to 300 mg of PCOs daily if you have asthma.

Additional Recommendations

A great first step that I have found useful in helping asthmatics reduce their exposure to airborne allergens (such as pollen, dander, and dust mites) is to remove dogs, cats, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture and other surfaces from their house where allergens can collect.

If this can not be done entirely, then it is important to make sure that the bedroom is as allergy-proof as possible.

Encase the mattress in an allergen-proof plastic; wash sheets, blankets, pillowcases and mattress pads every week in hot water with additive and fragrance-free detergent; consider using bedding made from Ventflex, a special hypoallergenic synthetic material; and install an air purifier.

The best mechanical air purifiers are HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arresting) filters, which can be attached to central heating and air-conditioning systems.

How Do I Know If The Recommendations Are Working?

If you have asthma, you must be monitored and evaluated frequently by a physician. If the program outlined above is working, you should notice a reduction in the severity and frequency of asthma attacks.