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What Causes Buruli Ulcers?

A Buruli ulcer is a debilitating infection of the skin and soft tissue that, when left untreated, can progress to…

Three Stages To Understand During Pregnancy

There are three major pregnancy stages – the first trimester, the second trimester and the third trimester. Each of these…

How your baby is learning skills for life in the womb.

During pregnancy, your baby does much more than just grow and develop. Here are five impressive things your unborn baby…

Say Goodbye To Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes In 5 Ways

Don’t go looking further for remedies to get rid of your dark circles. Keep yourself further with these 5 ways.…

Is It Safe To Have Sex During Period?

Yes it is,According to health experts, having sex during period is perfectly natural and safe for both partners. However, certain…

Popular News

Your body goes through many changes postpartum. And, while some…
It can be difficult to know how much sugar we…
To prevent kidney damage avoid long term use of non-steroidal…
Preggos are always excited to feel their baby’s movements inside.…

Can Anemia Damage Your Heart?

Anemia is a condition in which the red blood cells in your body are of abnormally low levels. Red blood…

Can Diabetes Also Be Prevented By Breastfeeding?

Say mother and child and the first thing to pop into your mind is an image of a mother looking…

Can Cinnamon Help Control Blood Sugar?

Spices like cinnamon not only enhance sweet dishes but also work to bring down our blood sugar levels. Favored in…

Optimize Your Cholesterol Without Statins In 9 Steps

Why Statin Drugs May Be Bad For You Statins deplete your body of CoQ10, which can have devastating results. If…

Care For Your Eyes Naturally

Some will say the eyes are the windows to the soul. To the more science minded, they’re an incredibly complex…